Figure 1.
NgBR expression in adult mouse tissues. A. Immunohistochemistry of NgBR on paraffin embedded adult mouse tissue. NgBR is specifically expressed in blood vessels in aorta, heart, brain and kidney. Scale bar=200μm. B. NgBR expression in blood vessel. NgBR expression in smooth muscle cells is stronger than endothelial cells. Scale bar = 50μm. C. NgBR was knocked out globally in the developing embryo by β-actin Cre. Homozygous floxed female was bred with heteroygous male (flox/WT:Cre/WT). D. At E7.5, no NgBR KO embryo was harvested because the decidua is empty in NgBR KO embryos (b,d). E. The statistical analysis of embryo lethality exhibits that no live KO embryos were available beyond E7.5.