Figure 2. One week of heavy loading increases endpoints indicative of oxidative stress in chondrocytes.
DHE oxidation in live chondrocytes following a week of cyclic loading was significantly higher in explants loaded with 1.0 MPa than in explants loaded with 0.25 MPa, (A, red, quantified in B). Of particular interest are chondrocytes staining more lightly for Calcein with significant DHE staining (A, arrows). No observable changes in the viable chondrocyte density were detected as indicated by Calcein Green AM staining (A, green). In association with increased live cell oxidation of DHE, GSSG levels were significantly increased after a week of overloading (C normalized to matched controls in D), an effect reversed by NAC addition. Data represent the mean of at least three images per sample, standard deviation shown is for n = 5 for all groups except NAC where n = 4, p-values as indicated. These data indicate NAC-responsive cellular oxidative stress following repeated injurious loading.