Fig. 1.
Effect of targeting HER3 or β1 integrin on growth of SKBR3 cells in 3D lrECM culture. a SKBR3 cells were grown in 3D lrECM culture according to the indicated treatment arms for 7 days. Phase contrast microscopy images were taken at 10× magnification. b Apoptotic and proliferative activity of the cells were determined on day 7 using the Tunnel (left panel) and Ki67 (right panel) assays. Results shown are the average of three experiments with the indicated standard error of the mean. Significance values were calculated using the unpaired T test. c SKBR3 cells grown in 3D lrECM culture were harvested on day 2 of treatment and cell lysates used for immunoblotting as indicated. This figure depicts the fusion of image sections from the same film with removal of extraneous lanes from the center