Figure 4. Symmetrical and lithium-ion hybrid capacitors.
(A) Charge discharge profiles of a symmetrical C-RPG || C-RPG hybrid capacitor cycled at a rate of ~1C (corresponding to a current density of 60 mA/g electrode). (B) Capacity retention and Coulombic efficiency at a C-rate of 100. The first cycle efficiency is close to 90% with 75% of the capacity being subsequently retained after 40,000 cycles. (C) Terminal insensitive cell test. After inverting the polarization at the terminals, a similar response is obtained. (D) Discharge profiles of C-RPG || CxLi Li-ion capacitor at various C-rates. (E) Ragone plot for the prototype hybrid supercapacitors. Specific energy and power are also estimated considering only 50 and 25 wt.% active components content. For comparison, performance metrics for established energy storage devices are highlighted. Adapted from36.