Table 1.
Zfrp8 interactors identified by TAP purification followed by mass spectrometry
Symbol | Protein | Human Ortholog | # Peptides Matched* | Estimated Mass (kD) | Molecular Function |
Act42A | Actin 42A | ACTB/G1 | 33 | 41.8 | cytoskeletal protein |
AP-2α | AP-2 complex subunit alpha | AP2A2 | 10 | 105.6 | endocytosis |
CkIα | Casein kinase I isoform alpha | CSNK1A1 | 21 | 39.5 | protein kinase |
Ef1γ | Elongation factor 1-gamma | EEF1G | 23 | 49.0 | regulation of organelle transport (Serpinskaya et al., 2013) |
EF2 | Elongation factor 2 | EEF2 | 18 | 94.5 | translation elongation factor |
eIF-4a | Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A | EIF4A1/2 | 24 | 45.9 | translation initiation factor |
FK506-bp1 | 39 kDa FK506-binding nuclear protein | 12 | 39.3 | prolyl isomerase | |
FMRP | Fragile-X mental retardation protein | FMR1 | 8 | 72.0 | Translational regulation, Rm62-interactor (Zhang et al., 2001; Ishizuka et al., 2002) |
Glo | Glorund | HNRNPH1 | 39 | 61.4 | Gurken mRNA localization and translational repression (Kalifa et al., 2009) |
Hrb27C | Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein 27C | DAZAP1 | 26 | 44.8 | Gurken mRNA localization (Goodrich et al., 2004) |
Hrb87F | Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein 87F | HNRNPA2B1 | 50 | 39.5 | ribonucleoprotein, NonA-interactor (Reim et al., 1999) |
Hsc70-4 | Heat shock 70 kDa protein cognate 4 | 23 | 71.1 | chaperone protein | |
Hsp83 | Heat shock protein 83 | HSP90AA1/B1 | 8 | 81.9 | chaperone protein, regulation of piRNA pathway (Gangaraju et al., 2011) |
Map205 | 205 kDa microtubule-associated protein | 25 | 126.7 | cytoskeletal protein | |
Nep1 | Neprilysin 1 | MME/L1 | 31 | 96.5 | peptidase |
NonA | Protein no-on-transient A | SFPQ | 163 | 77.0 | RNP nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling (Kozlova et al., 2006) |
Nop60B | Nucleolar protein at 60B | DKC1 | 54 | 56.8 | ribosomal RNA processing (Giordano et al., 1999) |
Noppl40 | Noppl40 | NOLC1 | 34 | 70.5 | ribosome assembly and repression of transposon expression (He et al., 2014) |
Pug | Pugilist | MTHFD1 | 20 | 103.5 | tetrahydrofolate conversion |
Rm62 | Rm62 | DDX17 | 68 | 50.0 | RNA helicase, FMRP-interactor (Ishizuka et al., 2002) |
RpL7A | Ribosomal protein L7A | RPL7A | 7 | 30.7 | ribosomal protein |
RpS2 | Ribosomal protein S2 | RPS2 | 224 | 28.9 | ribosomal protein (Cramton and Laski, 1994) |
RpS3 | Ribosomal protein S3 | RPS3 | 15 | 27.5 | ribosomal protein |
RpS4 | Ribosomal protein S4 | RPS4 | 32 | 29.1 | ribosomal protein |
RpS5a | 40S ribosomal protein S5a | RPS5 | 11 | 25.4 | ribosomal protein |
RpS7 | Ribosomal protein S7 | RPS7 | 18 | 22.2 | ribosomal protein |
Top2 | DNA topoisomerase 2 | TOP2A/B | 59 | 164.4 | topoisomerase |
Tral | Trailer hitch | LSM14A/B | 80 | 69.3 | Secretory pathway regulation; Repression of transposon expression, FMRP-interactor (Kugler et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2011) |
αTub84B | Alpha-tubulin at 84B | TUBA3C/D | 5 | 49.9 | cytoskeletal protein |
βTub56D | Beta-tubulin at 56D | TUBB4B | 8 | 51.3 | cytoskeletal protein |
For all proteins, ≤1 peptides were found in the vector-only TAP control