Figure 7. RIN4 Pro149 Plays a Critical Role in RPM1 Activation in Arabidopsis Plants.
(A) The RIN4ΔP149 mutation triggers RPM1-dependent dwarfism independent of RIN4 phosphorylation. rps2 rin4 double mutant and rpm1 rps2 rin4 triple mutant plants were transformed with the indicated RIN4 constructs under the control of the native RIN4 promoter, and the morphological phenotype of representative T1 plants were photographed 5 weeks after germination. Numbers under the photograph indicate ratios of plants with dwarf or lethal phenotype to normal plants. (B and C) RIN4 Pro149 is essential for Arabidopsis resistance to Pst (avrB) and Pst (avrRpm1). Plants of the indicated genotypes were infiltrated with Pst (avrB) (B) or Pst (avrRpm1) (C), and bacterial growth in the leaf was determined 3 days postinoculation. In (B), six individual T1 transgenic plants were tested for each construct. In (C), two independent T2 transgenic lines were tested. Error bars indicate SD (n = 8). See also Figure S7.