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. 2016 Feb 26;11(2):e0147520. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147520

Table 3. GPS Feasibility and Acceptability Post Survey Items (n = 74).

Response (%)
Questions No Yes
1. I had issues or problems with the GPS device during the study.* 94.6 4.1
2. Did you have problems turning the GPS device on or off? 98.6 1.4
3. Did you forget to charge the GPS device at night? 73.0 27.0
4. Did you forget where to put the GPS device? 100 0
5. Do you think the GPS device was too big? 79.9 20.3
6. Do you think the GPS device was too small? 98.6 1.4
7. Did the GPS run out of battery during the day? 75.3 24.7
8. Overall, was it easy to use the GPS? 2.7 97.3
9. Did you have any problems carrying or wearing the GPS? 95.5 4.1
10. Were you able to solve any problems you had with the GPS? 18.6 81.4
11. Did you feel comfortable wearing the GPS? 6.8 93.2
12. Did the GPS device get in the way of your everyday activities? 97.3 2.7
13. Was the battery life of the GPS too short? 82.4 17.6
14. Did you forget to wear the GPS device daily? 89.2 10.8
15. I would participate in another GPS research study. 1.4 98.6
16. Did using the GPS device cause you to alter your behavior? 98.6 1.4
17. Were there any activities that were difficult to do with the GPS on? 91.9 8.1
18. Was the GPS device inconvenient to carry/wear? 90.5 9.5
19. Was it a chore to wear the GPS device? 82.4 17.6
20. Did you like the look of the GPS device? 50 50
21. Would you participate in a GPS study that tracked you for two weeks? 0 100

* For question #1 (“I had issues or problems with the GPS device during the study”), response options were as follows “strongly agree”, “agree”, “don’t know”, “strongly disagree” and “disagree” where “Yes” is “strongly agree/agree” and “No” is “strongly disagree/disagree”.