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. 2015 Oct 26;11(3):496–507. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv133

Table 2.

Brain regions showing lower neural activation during the flow condition than during the boredom and overload conditions, revealed by the contrast [B − 2F + O] at a threshold of P < 0.001 (voxel level) and P < 0.050 (cluster level, FWE-corrected)

Brain region BA Number of voxels Peak voxel (MNI space)
x y z z-score
R Posterior cingulate cortex 26 3926 2 −44 30 6.58
L Middle cingulate cortex 23 −4 −24 38 5.32
L Paracentral lobule 4 −6 −36 70 4.58
R Paracentral lobule 4 4 −38 70 4.30
R Middle temporal gyrus 22 7939 62 −46 10 6.53
R Angular gyrus 39 56 −56 30 6.35
R Superior temporal gyrus 42 58 −24 20 5.66
R Amygdala 30 0 −18 4.98
R Middle insula 38 −8 −4 4.71
R Postcentral gyrus 3 60 −10 40 4.61
R HC 26 −16 −18 4.51
R Temporal pole 20 46 10 −34 4.49
R Amygdala 20 −4 −20 4.11
L Middle temporal gyrus 37 4665 −62 −56 8 6.37
L Angular gyrus 39 −48 −58 26 6.12
L Middle temporal gyrus 21 −60 −22 −6 5.30
L Superior temporal gyrus 42 −60 −28 20 5.20
L Middle insula −40 −12 −4 4.80
L HC −26 −16 −20 4.33
L Amygdala −26 −2 −16 3.85
L Medial superior frontal gyrus 10 5449 −6 60 10 6.30
R Medial orbital frontal gyrus 10 6 54 −4 5.89
L Medial superior frontal gyrus 10 −8 52 24 5.63
R Medial superior frontal gyrus 9 12 40 48 5.39
R Anterior cingulate cortex 32 6 50 24 4.76
R IFG, orbital part 47 297 48 34 −2 4.43
R IFG, orbital part 47 56 26 −2 4.05
L Postcentral gyrus 3 214 −62 −14 36 4.00
L Postcentral gyrus 3 −46 −26 58 3.94
L Postcentral gyrus 3 −56 −18 44 3.60