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. 2016 Feb 14;2016:8026414. doi: 10.1155/2016/8026414

Table 1.

Demographic data and clinical characteristics at baseline 6–8 weeks after mild traumatic brain injury.

Variable Total n (%)
Preinjury factors
Age, years1 151 32 [16, 55]
Sex, men 151 92 (61%)
Single 77 (51%)
Higher education >13 years 150 64 (43%)
Employment status 150
 Full time 112 (75%)
 Part-time 5 (3%)
 Unemployed 9 (6%)
 Student 24 (16%)
Have been sick-listed the last year before injury 151 69 (46%)
Injury-related factors
Cause of injury 151
 Traffic accident 44 (29%)
 Fall 56 (37%)
 Assault 27 (18%)
 Sports injury and others 24 (16%)
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)1,2 151 15 [13, 15]
 GCS 13 8 (5%)
 GCS 14 31 (21%)
 GCS 15 112 (74%)
PTA > 1 hour 142 39 (27%)
Radiological examination2
 Intracranial injury (CT scan) 151 41 (27%)
 Skull fracture 151 22 (15%)
Postinjury factors
The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ)
 Number of symptoms (0–16)1 151 8 [0, 16]
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD)
 Total score (0–42)1 143 10 [0, 30]
 HAD anxiety (0–21)1 143 7 [0, 19]
 HAD depression (0–21)1 143 4 [0, 14]
Posttraumatic stress (PTSS-10)1 150 24 [6, 68]
Expectation of favourable outcome 149 105 (70%)
Subjective health complaints (SHC)1 151 10 [0, 29]
Widespread pain (numbers of painful body areas)1 149 2 [0, 8]
Headache (NRS)1 148 4 [0, 10]
Neck pain (NRS)1 148 4 [0, 10]
Low back pain (NRS)1 146 2 [0, 10]
Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) 149
 Severe and moderate disability (GOSE < 6) 22 (15%)
 Moderate disability (GOSE = 6) 100 (67%)
 Good recovery (GOSE > 6) 27 (18%)
Sick-listed at 2 months (baseline) 151 85 (56%)
Sick-listed at 12 months after injury 151 52 (34%)

1Median [min, max].

2Measured at time of injury.