Figure 6. Synchronization and Coherent THz Control benchmark experiment.
(a) Sketch of the arrangement of THz sources in the accelerator. Pulses emitted from the same electron bunch arrive in the laboratory at the same time. (b) Jitter measurement establishing intrinsic synchronization in the few 10 fs regime between undulator and DR pulses. (c) Benchmark experiment: The transient BTHz-field from a multi-cycle THz pulse is utilized to launch a coherent antiferromagnetic spinwave. The spin deflection is probed by the transient Faraday rotation of a timed fs laser. The undulator is tuned in resonance with the AFM mode of NiO at 1 THz and provides a spectral density per pulse that is by a factor 36 larger than achievable from broad-band laser-based THz sources. (d) Transient Faraday rotation angle θ (blue-solid) plotted over delay time Δt between THz (red-solid) and laser pulses. The measurement shows that the spin precession evolves coherently over several tens of picoseconds. Due to the orders of magnitude higher spectral intensity at the resonance frequency, the amplitude of the spin deflection is considerably increased compared to coherent excitation by a state-of-the-art high-field table-top THz source of similar pulse energy (black-solid line and10). (inset) Snapshots of the spinwave over few cycles taken in less than 1 s. Due to the two orders of magnitude higher repetition rate, measurements can be performed either orders of magnitudes faster or with much higher sensitivity.