Figure 5. Modulation of the distance between transversal nanochannels.
I-t transients of pulsed anodizations in which the tMA has been varied: (a) tMA = 530 s, (c) tMA = 180 s, (e) tMA = 100 s. (g) shows the I-t plot of a pulsed anodization in which two different tMA have been applied: tMA, 1 = 100 s, and tMA, 2 = 530 s. SEM images of the AAOs obtained thereof are shown in (b), (d), (f), and (h), respectively. The distance between transversal nanochannels are: (b) 620 nm (tMA = 530 s), (d) 320 nm (tMA = 180 s), and (f) 150 nm (tMA = 100 s). When two distinct tMA are applied, an AAO with two different separations between transversal nanochannels can be prepared, as evidenced in (h). Scale bars correspond to 500 nm.