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. 2016 Feb 29;16:27. doi: 10.1186/s12903-015-0123-6

Table 2.

Summary of the meta-analysis of the treatment effect between groups based on increments between baseline and end trial data (see Additional file 1 for further details)

Index # online supportive ID# Selected studies ‘Random/Fixed’ effect model Study duration Difference in means between groups (in mm) 95 % confidence interval p-value Test for heterogeneity*
Appendix See Appendix S3 Test for overall effect p-value I2
Mean PD
App. S38 IX, VIII, XIII Fixed Short term (2–3 months) −0.49 (−0.6; −0.33) <0.00001 0.31 14 %
VI, XI, XVI, XVII Medium term (6 months) −0.41 (−0.57; −0.24) <0.00001 0.49 0 %
I, II, III Long term (12 months) −0.54 (−0.75; −0.34) <0.00001 0.41 0 %
All Random 2–12 months −0.47 (−0.58; −0.37) <0.00001 0.57 0 %
PD > 4 mm
App. S39 IV, V, X, XII, XIV Random 3–24 months −0.55 (−0.79; −0.30) <0.0001 0.19 34 %
PD 4-6 mm
App. S40 I, II, III, XVII, XIX Random 6–12 months −0.55 (−0.73; −0.37) <0.00001 0.04 59 %
PD ≥ 6 mm
App. S41 I, II, III, VI, VII, XII, XVII, XIX Random 6–12 months −0.86 (−1.07; −0.65) <0.00001 0.51 0 %
Mean CAL
App. S42 I, II, III, VI, VIII, IX, XI, XIII, XVI, XVII, XX Random 3–24 months +0.33 (0.23; 0.43) <0.00001 0.83 0 %
CAL > 4 mm
App. S43 IV, V, X, XII, XIV Random 2–24 months +0.35 (0.07; 0.63) 0.02 0.004 74 %
CAL 4-6 mm
App. S44 I, II, III, XVII, XIX Random 6–12 months +0.42 (0.24; 0.61) <0.00001 0.07 54 %
CAL ≥ 6 mm
App. S45 I, II, III, VI, VII, XII, XVII, XVIII, XIX Random 6–24 months +0.75 (0.40; 1.09) <0.0001 <0.0001 79 %

* = A chi-square test resulting in a p < 0.1 was considered an indication of significant statistical heterogeneity. As a rough guide for assessing the possible magnitude of inconsistency across studies, I2 statistic of 0–40 % was interpreted as not be important, and above 40 % moderate to considerable heterogeneity may be present