Fig. 2.
Genetic structure of runs 1 and 15 in Table 2 for the random and m-trait mating cases are illustrated here in three different ways (see Additional file 1: Figures S1 and S2 in the supplementary online file for figures depicting all 30 cases for panel types i. and iii.). These are i.) bottom left panels for each case: the α (blue), δ (red), ρ (green) and m (black) parameter values (see Methods Section for an explanation of these parameters) ordered along the horizontal axis according to the final biomass achieved by individuals during generation 500 of the ecological simulation; ii.) bottom right panels for each case: a plot of each individual in the space of the first two principal components of a principal components analysis (PCA) for individuals located in the four-dimensional (α, δ, ρ, m)-parameter space, with the colored vectors (color coded as in 1. above) indicating the relative weightings of these four parameters (in the m-trait cases the weights of two parameters are almost identical resulting in one vector obscuring another); iii) top panels for each case: a plot of the dendrogram generated by the PCA