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. 2014 Apr;2(2):86–91.

Table 2.

Distributions of Child Drowning Mortality by Socioeconomic status, (2005-2009).

Youngest children (Less than 10 years) Oldest children (above 10 years) Contingency analysis
Independent variables
Maternal education (total) Illiterate Primary High school Diploma and higher 85 191 X2 = 46.25p<0.001df=3
23 (62.2%) 14 (37.8%)
40 (45.5%) 48 (54.5%)
15 (19.2%) 63 (80.8%)
7 (9.6%) 66 (90.4%)
Mother’s age(total)     Less than 20 years 20-30 years Older than 30 years 85 191 X2 = 8.95p= 0.011df=2
6 (22.2%) 21 (77.8%)
31 (23.8%) 99 (67.2%)
48 (40.3%) 71 (59.7%)
Family’s income (total) Less than 200 $ 200-700 $ More than 700$ 85 191 X2 = 23.36p<0.001df=2
15 (17.2%) 72 (82.8%)
50 (47.6%) 55 (52.4%)
20 (23.8%) 64 (76.2%)