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. 2016 Feb 19;82(5):1504–1518. doi: 10.1128/AEM.03179-15


Results of chlamydia detection in avian and environmental samples from five duck farmsa

Flock and sample Action Date (day/mo/yr) Place Age (days) Chlamydiaceae detection
Bacteriophage detection
Amoeba detectionc
Cloacal swabs
Air samples
Water samples
Soil samples
Cloacal swabs
Air samples
Water samples
Soil samples
No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/totalb Mean Cq No. pos/total Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq No. pos/total Mean Cq Amo Vahl Amo Vahl
    13-0273/1 Implementation 24/01/13 Starter building 1 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 2/5 37.7 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 35.4 0/2 NA 3/5 34.6 + + +
    13-0458/1 Nail trimming 06/02/13 Starter building 14 1/15 35.9 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND 3/15 38.5 1/2 38.2 1/1 36.8 0/2 NA ND +
    13-0550/1 Vaccination 19/02/13 Starter building + enclosures 27 15/15 24.2 15/15 28.9 E/B_06-859 1/2 35.7 1/1 28.0 0/2 NA 5/5 28.3 14/15 35.5 2/2 37.3 1/1 30.2 0/2 NA 5/5 33.7 + +
    13-0904/1 Vaccination boost 21/03/13 Outdoor area 57 13/15 34.6 13/13 34.1 0/2 NA 2/2 36.8 0/2 NA 1/5 40.0 14/15 35.3 0/2 NA 2/2 35.2 0/2 NA 1/5 37.4 + + +
    13-1159/1 Transfer 16/04/13 Outdoor area 83 10/15 32.2 10/10 33.2 0/2 NA 0/1 NA ND ND 13/15 35.7 0/2 NA 1/1 36.8 ND ND
    13-1159/2 Start of force-feeding 16/04/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1328/1 Force-feeding 23/04/13 90 6/15 37.0 5/6 36.4 0/2 NA ND ND ND 6/15 35.7 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1328/2 Transfer 29/04/13 96 1/15 35.9 1/1 35.6 0/2 NA ND ND ND 4/15 34.5 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1328/3 Slaughtering 29/04/13 1/15 39.3 1/1 38.9 0/4 NA ND ND ND 4/15 35.8 0/4 NA ND ND ND
    13-0749/1 Implementation 07/03/13 Starter building 1 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 2/5 38.9 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 37.4 0/2 NA 2/5 38.4 + +
    13-0904/2 Nail and beak trimming 18/03/13 Starter building 12 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND 2/15 38.3 1/2 39.3 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND +
    13-1030/1 Vaccination 04/04/13 Starter building + enclosures 29 15/15 26.9 15/15 26.9 E/B_06-859 1/2 37.8 2/2 31.3 2/2 32.0 5/5 31.6 12/15 37.2 2/2 36.2 2/2 34.7 0/2 NA 5/5 35.2 + +
    13-1376/1 Vaccination boost 02/05/13 Outdoor area 57 7/15 33.8 6/7 32.9 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 2/5 38.6 10/15 35.6 1/2 37.2 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 2/5 38.5 + + +
    13-1598/1 Slaughtering 03/06/13 89 3/15 37.7 3/3 37.6 0/4 NA ND ND ND 4/15 36.3 1/4 39.5 ND ND ND
    13-0273/2 Implementation 31/01/13 Starter building 1 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 33.2 0/2 NA 0/5 NA + + +
    13-0458/2 Nail trimming 14/02/13 Starter building 15 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND +
    13-0550/2 Vaccination 25/02/13 Starter building + enclosures 26 6/15 32.9 3/6 32.7 E/B_06-859 0/2 NA 1/1 36.2 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 10/15 38.0 0/2 NA 1/1 32.8 0/2 NA 0/5 NA +
    13-1030/2 Vaccination boost 28/03/13 Outdoor area 57 11/15 35.1 10/11 34.4 E/B_06-859 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 3/5 37.1 15/15 33.7 0/2 NA 2/2 33.3 0/2 NA 5/5 36.9 + + +
    13-1328/4 Transfer 23/04/13 Outdoor area 83 5/15 33.0 5/5 33.0 0/2 NA 0/1 NA ND ND 8/15 33.7 1/2 38.0 1/1 36.7 ND ND
    13-1328/5 Start of force-feeding 23/04/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 1/2 38.1 ND ND ND
    13-1328/6 Force-feeding 30/04/13 90 1/15 38.0 1/1 37.8 0/2 NA ND ND ND 5/15 32.8 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1376/2 Transfer 06/05/13 96 5/15 39.1 1/5 37.2 0/2 NA ND ND ND 5/15 33.7 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1376/3 Slaughtering 06/05/13 1/15 39.7 0/1 NA 0/4 NA ND ND ND 3/15 35.7 0/4 NA ND ND ND
    13-0458/3 Implementation 14/02/13 Starter building 1 2/15 35.8 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 1/15 39.9 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 1/5 35.6 + +
    13-0749/2 Nail trimming 26/02/13 Starter building 13 0/15 NA 0/1 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND 2/15 39.1 0/1 NA 1/1 39.1 0/2 NA ND +
    13-0749/3 Vaccination 07/03/13 Starter building 22 15/15 25.4 15/15 25.5 E/B_E30 1/2 36.6 1/1 28.7 2/2 27.9 5/5 28.8 15/15 28.9 2/2 34.4 1/1 26.4 2/2 35.5 5/5 31.4 + +
    13-1030/3 Vaccination boost 28/03/13 Outdoor area 43 14/15 33.7 14/14 33.4 0/2 NA 2/2 35.0 2/2 38.2 4/5 36.0 15/15 31.3 2/2 36.1 2/2 34.9 0/2 NA 3/5 38.4 + +
    13-1376/4 Transfer 07/05/13 Outdoor area 83 5/15 36.9 4/5 37.1 0/2 NA 0/1 NA ND ND 11/15 34.4 0/2 NA 1/1 28.5 ND ND
    13-1376/5 Start of force-feeding 07/05/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 1/2 38.9 ND ND ND
    13-1458/1 Force-feeding 13/05/13 89 1/15 37.6 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND ND ND 7/15 35.5 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1458/2 Transfer 21/05/13 97 3/15 37.0 2/3 37.0 0/2 NA ND ND ND 7/15 34.2 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-1458/3 Slaughtering 21/05/13 1/15 39.9 0/1 NA 0/4 NA ND ND ND 6/15 37.5 0/4 NA ND ND ND
    13-0458/4 Implementation 14/02/13 Starter building 1 2/15 36.8 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA + + + +
    13-0749/4 Vaccination 07/03/13 Starter building 22 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 1/2 38.1 1/1 36.9 0/2 NA 1/5 36.0 + + + +
    13-1030/4 Vaccination boost 04/04/13 Outdoor area 50 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 3/15 39.2 0/2 NA 1/2 35.5 0/2 NA 0/5 NA + + + +
    13-1376/6 Transfer 10/05/13 Outdoor area 86 7/15 37.0 5/7 37.0 0/2 NA 0/1 NA ND ND 11/15 32.1 2/2 34.8 1/1 30.9 ND ND
    13-1376/7 Start of force-feeding 10/05/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 1/2 33.8 ND ND ND
    13-1458/4 Force-feeding 15/05/13 91 4/15 37.4 3/4 37.5 0/2 NA ND ND ND 14/15 32.6 1/2 35.6 ND ND ND
    13-1458/5 Transfer 22/05/13 98 5/15 37.7 4/5 36.5 0/2 NA ND ND ND 13/15 34.2 2/2 38.7 ND ND ND
    13/1458/6 Slaughtering 22/05/13 1/15 39.0 1/1 39.0 0/4 NA ND ND ND 14/15 34.3 2/4 39.4 ND ND ND
    13-1159/3 Implementation 11/04/13 Starter building 1 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 39.7 0/2 NA 0/5 NA + + +
    13-1376/8 Vaccination 06/05/13 Starter building + enclosures 26 0/15 NA 0/1 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 2/15 39.6 0/1 NA 1/1 38.8 0/2 NA 0/5 NA + + +
    13-1598/2 Vaccination boost 03/06/13 Outdoor area 55 14/15 32.8 13/14 32.1 E/B_06-859 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 2/2 39.4 1/5 37.9 14/15 34.5 2/2 36.8 2/2 34.8 0/2 NA 1/5 35.1 + + + +
    13-2060/1 Transfer 05/07/13 Outdoor area 86 4/15 36.7 3/4 37.1 0/2 NA 1/1 39.7 ND ND 5/15 32.7 1/2 38.9 1/1 33.9 ND ND
    13-2060/2 Start of force-feeding 05/07/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-2060/3 Force-feeding 08/07/13 89 2/15 37.3 2/2 37.4 0/2 NA ND ND ND 4/15 35.9 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-2060/4 Transfer 18/07/13 99 2/15 35.3 2/2 35.7 0/2 NA ND ND ND 2/15 37.1 0/2 NA ND ND ND
    13-2060/5 Slaughtering 18/07/13 1/15 34.5 1/1 35.5 0/4 NA ND ND ND 2/15 36.1 0/4 NA ND ND ND
    13-0749/5 Implementation 28/02/13 Starter building 1 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 37.8 0/2 NA 1/5 35.8 + +
    13-0904/3 Nail trimming 08/03/13 Starter building + enclosures 9 0/15 NA 0/1 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA ND 1/15 39.9 0/1 NA 1/1 36.5 0/2 NA ND
    13-0904/4 Vaccination 21/03/13 Outdoor area 22 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/1 NA 0/2 NA 0/5 NA 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 1/1 36.0 0/2 NA 0/5 NA +
    13-1159/4 Vaccination boost 11/04/13 Outdoor area 43 0/15 NA 0/2 NA 0/2 NA 2/2 38.7 1/5 37.6 9/15 39.1 0/2 NA 2/2 35.9 2/2 38.3 1/5 37.1 + + +
    13-1458/7 Transfer 17/05/13 Outdoor area 79 15/15 32.3 15/15 32.7 E/B_06-859 ND ND ND ND 14/15 28.5 ND ND ND ND
    13-1458/8 Start of force-feeding 17/05/13 0/2 NA ND ND ND 2/2 33.5 ND ND ND
    13-1598/3 Force-feeding 22/05/13 84 12/15 35.6 10/12 34.7 E/B_06-859 0/2 NA ND ND ND 15/15 29.5 2/2 37.2 ND ND ND
    13-1598/4 Transfer 29/05/13 91 6/15 36.9 5/6 36.4 0/2 NA ND ND ND 14/15 32.1 2/2 35.9 ND ND ND
    13-1598/5 Slaughtering 29/05/13 7/15 38.0 7/7 38.0 0/4 NA ND ND ND 15/15 33.0 3/4 37.9 ND ND ND

ND, not done; NA, not applicable. No. pos/total = number of positive swabs/total number of tested swabs (except as noted in footnote b).


No. pos/total = number of positive swabs/number of Chlamydiaceae PCR-positive swabs.


–, no amplification on electrophoresis; +, amplification on electrophoresis.