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. 2016 Feb 19;82(5):1504–1518. doi: 10.1128/AEM.03179-15


Survey on farming practices and activities in farms A, B, C, D, and E

Item Observed practices Farm
Interactions between two batches
    No. of different ages on site Two different ages present concurrently on site x x x x x
     Only one age
    Interval between new batches One new batch every 7 to 8 wks x x x x x
    Management of enclosure (outdoor area adjacent to starter building)a
        Use of lime: depending on the breeder, spreading of lime for each depopulation period or once a year, over the whole enclosure or only in part (immediate surroundings, around hatches, etc.); spreading takes place on a moist surface with about 0.5 to 1 kg of lime per m2 No
Yes, whole enclosure for each batch x
Yes, in part for each batch x
Yes, whole enclosure once a year x
Yes, in part (surrounds and entrances) once a year x
        Surface scraping of enclosure Yes, once a year in spring x x
No x x
        Depopulation 5 wks x x x
3 to 5 wks x
    Management of outdoor expansion areab
        Use of lime Yes, whole run once a year x x
No x x x
        Surface scraping of run Yes, once a year in spring x x x
No x x
        Depopulation: more than 3 wks on most breeder farms, but highly variable (from 0 days to 8 wks) 7 to 8 wks x
6 to 7 wks x
3 to 6 wks x x
None x
    Cleaning and disinfection of starter building
        Cleaning with a high-pressure cold water pump using an alkaline foam detergent, Agromousse, applied to partitions and ceilings Application of a foam detergent with a contact time of 6 h, then action with high-pressure cold water pump x
Application of a foam detergent with a contact time of 15 min, then action with high-pressure cold water pump x x x x
        Disinfection using a disinfectant containing quaternary ammonium and glutaraldehyde at a dilution of 1% (a bactericide by contact in 5 min, a virucide in 15 min) Yes, two disinfections, one after washing and one before arrival of next ducklings x
Yes, one disinfection after washing, followed by one fumigation (Fumagri, orthophenylphenol) x
Yes, 1 disinfection after washing x x x
        Use of lime (all or part, frequency). Yes, throughout for each batch x x x x
Not systematically x
        Cleaning of starter equipment product recommended by professional agricultural body (0.5% sodium hypochlorite) Washing with water and disinfection by soaking 24 h with sodium hypochlorite x
Washing with water and disinfection by soaking a few hours with sodium hypochlorite x
Washing with water and disinfection by soaking 24 h with acid descaler-detergent x
Washing with water and disinfection (quaternary ammonium and glutaraldehyde) by spraying with all-round disinfectant x
Washing with water and disinfection by spraying with sodium hypochlorite x
        Cleaning of piping Use of an alkaline (sodium hypochlorite) 30 min, then rinsing, then an acid descaler-detergent for 30 min x
Use of an alkaline (sodium hypochlorite) 30 min to 1 h x
Rinsing with water x x x
        Depopulation of starter building 1 wk x x x
2 wks x
Up to 3 wks x
    Cleaning and disinfection of expansion facility
        Removal of litter Yes x x x
Not systematically after each batch, but regularly (more than twice a year) x
Twice a year x
        Washing with high-pressure cold water pump Yes, all surfaces x x
Not systematically: only all partitions x
Not systematically: only base of partitions x
Carried out once a year in full x
        Application of an alkaline foam detergent (Agromousse) applied to partitions and ceiling Yes, contact time > 15 min x x x
No x x
        Disinfection using a disinfectant containing quaternary ammonium and glutaraldehyde Yes, two disinfections, one after washing and one before arrival of ducks x
Yes, one disinfection after washing x
Carried out once a year x
Never x x
        Spreading of lime (all or part, frequency); spreading was carried out on a moist surface with about 0.5 to 1 kg of lime per m2 Yes, throughout for each batch x x
Yes, throughout for each batch except if depopulation interval is too short (in winter) x
No x x
        Cleaning of expansion facility equipment Systematic cleaning with cold water without disinfection x
Washing with cold water without disinfection not systematic x x x
Washing once a year with water, then disinfection with sodium hypochlorite by soaking 1/2 day x
        Cleaning of piping Use of an alkaline (sodium hypochlorite) 30 min, then rinsing, then an acid descaler-detergent 30 min x
Rinsing with water, no use of products x x x x
        Depopulation of expansion facility 3 to 4 wks x
1 wk x
A few days x x
None x
Interactions between animals of the same batch
    Access to building throughout rearing phase (summer) No, no shelter beyond 3 wks of age x x
No, no shelter beyond 5 wks of age x
Sometimes no x
Always yes x
    Access to building throughout rearing phase (winter) No, no shelter beyond 6 wks of age x
Always yes x x x x
    Startup density (ducks/m2) 12 ducks/m2 x x
14 ducks/m2 x
19 ducks/m2 x x
    No. of drinkers available at introduction (one drinker available per no. of ducklings) One drinker for less than 100 ducklings or drinking nipples available x
One drinker for more than 100 but less than 150 ducklings x
One drinker for more than 150 ducklings x x x
    Feeders available at introduction (1 feeder available per no. of ducklings) One feeder for less than 50 ducklings or chain feeders x x
One feeder for more than 50 but less than 70 ducklings x
One feeder for more than 70 ducklings x x
    Management of straw in starter building Straw added every day x x x x x
    Mortality over first 4 days (%) ≤0.1 x x x
≤0.2 x
0.2 to 0.5 x
    Density of animals in enclosure adjacent to expansion building (ducks/m2) 2 ducks/m2 x
5 ducks/m2 x
10 ducks/m2 x x
    Time in enclosure adjacent to expansion building (weeks) 1 week x x
2 weeks x x
    Surface of outdoor run area available per duck (m2/duck) 30 m2/duck x
15 m2/duck x
5 m2/duck x x x
    Time on outdoor run area (wks) 7 x x
8 x
9 x x
    Drinking troughs available for 2,000 ducks Three drinking troughs x
Four drinking troughs x x
Five drinking troughs x x
    Feeding troughs available for 2,000 ducks Three feeding troughs x
Five feeding troughs x x x
Eight feeding troughs x
    Density in expansion building (ducks/m2) 7 ducks/m2 x x x
14 ducks/m2 x
15 ducks/m2 x
    Management of straw in outdoor run facility Every day x x x x
Every second day x
Interactions between humans and animals
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1 x x
2 x x x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel x x x x x
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h x x x x x
1/2 day
1 day or several 1/2 days
More than 1 day
        Place of operation (open-air vs indoor facility) Closed building x x x x x
Building with wide-open doors
Open-air facility
    Debeaking (only for farm C)
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1 x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel x
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h
1/2 day
1 day or several 1/2 days
More than 1 day x
        Place of operation (open air vs indoor facility) Closed building x
Building with wide-open doors
Open air
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1
2 x x
6 x x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel x x
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms x
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits x
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h
1/2 day x x x x
1 day or several 1/2 days
More than 1 day
    Place of operation (open-air vs indoor facility) Closed building x x x x
Building with wide-open doors
Open air
    Primary vaccination
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1 x x
2 x
4 x
6 x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel x x x
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits x x
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h
1/2 day x x x
1 day or several 1/2 days x
More than 1 day x
        Place of operation (open-air vs indoor facility) Closed building x x x x
Building with wide-open doors x
Open air
    Booster vaccination
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1 x x
2 x
4 x
6 x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel x x x
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits x x
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h
1/2 day x x x
1 day or several 1/2 days x
More than 1 day x
    Place of operation (open-air vs indoor facility) Closed building x
Building with wide-open doors x x
Open air x x
    Transfer to force-feeding
        No. of persons present when animals are handled 1
6 x x x
10 x x
        Origin of persons (private company, neighbors, other breeders) Farm's own personnel
Personnel from neighboring ready-for-gavage farms x
Workers from a private company specializing in the handling of poultry and rabbits x x x x
        Duration of operations 1 to 2 h x x x x x
1/2 day
1 day or several 1/2 days
More than 1 day
        Place of operation (open-air vs indoor facility) Closed building
Building with wide-open doors x x
Open air x x x

Use for 1 to 3 weeks starting from day 15 or 4 weeks depending on weather conditions.


Use for 8 weeks from age 4 weeks with rotation of two or three runs of 1 Ha each (highly variable depending on available surface area).