Comparison of channel sizes of rotation and revolution motors. (A) Channel sizes of different biomotors that utilize the rotation mechanism (left panel) and the revolution mechanism (right panel). During DNA translocation, the rotation motors use smaller channels (<2 nm), while revolution motors use larger channels (>3 nm in diameter). (B) The larger size of revolution motors has also been proved by the single-pore conductance assay with the phi29 connector, showing the one-way traffic property of the channel with double-stranded or quadruple-stranded DNA. (Adapted from reference 50.) PDB codes: RepA, 1G8Y; TrwB, 1E9R; ssoMCM, 2VL6; Rho, 3ICE.; E1, 2GXA; T7 gp4D, 1E0J; FtsK, 2IUU; phi29 gp10, 1H5W; HK97 family portal protein, 3KDR; SPP1 gp6, 2JES; P22 gp1, 3LJ5. T7 gp8 EM ID: EMD-1231.