(A) Oscillations at different k numbers of magnetic flux quanta trapped in the bimetallic loop with the heater current OFF. Left maximum corresponds to k = 4; middle, k = 5; right, k = 6; 1, n = 8.5; 2, n = 9.5; 3, n = 10.5. A change in k number introduces constant phase shift, leaving the period intact. (B) Oscillations with the heater current OFF (red line) and with the heater current ON (black line). (C) The shifts ΔBn,k [as in (B)] of the values Bn,k with the heater current ON versus the total flux Φ1 = nΦ0 at different fixed k numbers of the trapped flux quanta. (D) The shifts ΔBn,k versus k number at a fixed total flux. (E) Three-dimensional (3D) representation of the shifts ΔBn,k versus k number and the total flux Φ1 = nΦ0 through the measurement loop. The planes correspond to different fixed heater currents Ih = 10, 15, 20, and 25 μA.