(A) Sustained Hox expression in Pc mutants. The protocol described in Fig 3C was used for pulse-chase experiments in Pc4 mutants. Hours indicate the duration of chases before dissection. The staining of Ubx, Scr and Antp in wing, L2 leg and eye-antenna is shown, respectively. Ubx signals are detectable after a 60-h chase, whereas Scr and Antp signals can still be seen after 72 h chases. Wing pouch is outlined by dots. (B) Enhanced Hox expression in Hira and Psc double mutants. Merged images of GFP (green), Hox (red) and DNA (blue) are shown. Hox expression induced by dpp>Trx in the following genotypes is compared: WT, Psc1, Hirassm, and Hirassm;Psc1. (C) Enhanced RNA levels in Hira and Psc double mutants. RT and qPCR analyses were carried out as described in Fig 5C for Ubx, Scr and Antp in wing, L2 and eye-antenna discs, respectively. (B, C) Experiments were carried out at 21°C.