Fig 3. Gene expression profiles in adult and prepubertal oocytes treated with or without cAMP modulators prior to and during IVM.
A) single immature oocytes and B) single MII oocytes. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 12). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey's range test. Columns with different superscripts differ significantly among treatments within the respective meiotic status for oocytes obtained from adult (a, b) and prepubertal donors (x, y). The asterisk represents a statistically significant difference between immature and matured oocyte treatments for the same transcript; P < 0.05. Oocytes were obtained via OPU. In vivo matured oocytes were used for comparison. PRKACA was upregulated in adult oocytes treated with cAMP modulators and down-regulated in prepubertal oocytes under the DMSO30 treatment. EGR1 was upregulated in prepubertal immature oocytes. Matured oocytes from all treatments displayed lower transcript levels for ZAR1, PRDX1 and SLC2A8 after IVM compared to immature oocytes.