Figure 8. Inactivation of PKMζ reversed the potentiating effect of environmentally enriched housing on memory retention in aged rats.
(A,B) Microinjection of LVDN-PKMζ in the PrL reversed the effect of environmentally enriched housing on memory retention of fear conditioning in aged rats. (A) Experimental timeline for lentivirus microinjection and fear conditioning. (B) Freezing scores during the STM test, LTM test 1, and remote memory test (LTM test 2) after lentivirus microinfusion. *p < 0.05, compared with age-matched group. n = 8–10 per experimental condition. (C–F) Microinjection of LVDN-PKMζ in the PrL reversed the potentiating effect of environmentally enriched housing on memory retention in aged rats in the MWM task. (C) Experimental timeline for lentivirus microinjection and the MWM task. (D) Quadrant time during the STM and LTM probe tests. *p < 0.05, compared with age-matched LVGFP group. n = 8–11 per experimental condition. (E) Swimming paths during the LTM probe test. (F) Cue test. (G–I) Microinjection of LVDN-PKMζ in the PrL reversed the potentiating effect of environmentally enriched housing on memory retention in aged rats in the NOR task. (G) Experimental timeline for lentivirus microinjection and the NOR task. (H) Exploration time during the STM and LTM tests. *p < 0.05, compared with manipulation-matched familiar group. n = 8–10 per experimental condition. (I) Discrimination index. *p < 0.05, compared with age-matched LVGFP group #p < 0.05, compared with young SE LVGFP group. n = 8–10 per experimental condition.