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. 2016 Mar 1;7:214. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00214

Table 3.

Coefficient estimates for the best-fitting models in the 500 ms time window starting at the offset of the critical reference in Sentence 3 to the (A) Semantic Distractor (cubic) and (B) Sentence 1-mentioned (slope) in the Pronoun, Repeated and New conditions.

Coefficient Est. Std. Error t p <
Intercept 0.0853 0.0088 9.744 0.001
Time 0.0045 0.0225 0.200 n.s.
Time2 0.0245 0.0159 1.542 n.s.
Time3 0.0205 0.0159 1.287 n.s.
Pronoun 0.0181 0.0050 3.600 0.001
New 0.0350 0.0050 6.963 0.001
Time*Pronoun −0.0193 0.0225 0.860 n.s.
Time*New −0.1645 0.0225 −7.317 0.001
Time2*Pronoun −0.0399 0.0225 −1.773 0.08
Time2*New −0.0158 0.0225 −0.705 n.s.
Time3*Pronoun −0.0319 0.0225 −1.418 n.s.
Time3*New 0.0363 0.0225 1.616 0.11
Intercept 0.1352 0.0128 10.558 0.001
Time 0.0572 0.0262 2.182 0.05
Pronoun −0.0373 0.0050 −7.380 0.001
New −0.0621 0.0050 −12.297 0.001
Time*Pronoun −0.0501 0.0226 −2.218 0.05
Time*New −0.1581 0.0226 −7.000 0.001

Proportion of fixations in the Repeated condition provided the baseline group.