Quality of the Included Papers
Name of the First Author and Year of Publication | Measurement Error | Hypothesis Testing | Cross Cultural Validity | Responsiveness |
RCTs | ||||
Bastiaenen et al, 200825 | Good | Poor | n/r | Poor |
Berg et al, 200926 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Berg et al, 200927 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Carr et al, 200528 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Casserley-Feeney et al, 201229 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Chown et al, 200830 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Cox et al, 201031 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Del Pozo-Cruz et al, 201132 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Djais et al, 200533 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Fair |
Gilbert et al, 200434 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Gilbert et al, 200435 | Fair | Good | n/r | Fair |
Hellum et al, 201136 | Good | Excellent | n/r | Excellent |
Hurley et al, 200137 | Fair | Fair | n/r | Fair |
Kendrick et al, 200138 | Fair | Fair | n/r | Fair |
Miller et al, 200239 | Good | Good | n/r | Fair |
Rivero-Arrias et al, 200640 | Excellent | Fair | n/r | Poor |
Wilkens et al, 201041 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Cross-sectional | ||||
Burstrom et al, 200142 | Poor | Good | n/r | Poor |
Eker et al, 200743 | Good | Good | n/r | Poor |
Klemenc-Ketis, 201144 | Poor | Fair | n/r | Poor |
Muraki et al, 201145 | Poor | Fair | n/r | Poor |
Muraki et al, 201246 | Poor | Fair | n/r | Poor |
Sogaard et al, 200947 | Poor | Good | n/r | Poor |
Observational longitudinal | ||||
Aghayev et al, 201048 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Poor |
Cheshire et al, 201149 | Fair | Poor | n/r | Poor |
Garratt et al, 200150 | Fair | Good | n/r | Good |
Genevay et al, 201251 | Good | Good | Good | Good |
Gutke et al, 201152 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Klemenc-Ketis, 201153 | Poor | Fair | Fair | Poor |
Kovacs et al, 200554 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Kovacs et al, 200455 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Parker et al56 | Good | Good | n/r | Good |
Schluesmann57 | Fair | Fair | n/r | Fair |
Suarez-Almazor et al, 200058 | Fair | Fair | n/r | Fair |
Cohort studies | ||||
Gutke et al, 200659 | Poor | Good | n/r | Poor |
Jannsonn et al, 200960 | Fair | Good | n/r | Fair |
Van der Roer et al, 200661 | Fair | Fair | n/r | Good |
n/r , not relevant.