βAR blockade prevents VBX-induced bone loss. (A) Vestibular syndrome score (in arbitrary unit) 3, 15, and 30 days after VBX (***p < 0.005 versus sham). (B) Trabecular bone volume ratio (BV/TV) in 3-month-old β2AR+/+ and β2AR−/− mice subjected to sham or VBX (μCT measurements). (C) Trabecular bone volume ratio (BV/TV) in 3-month-old β2AR2.3col1+/+ and β2AR2.3col1−/− mice subjected to sham or VBX (μCT measurements). (D) Trabecular bone volume ratio (BV/TV) in mice subjected to sham or VBX, treated or not with propranolol (Pro., 0.5 g/L). (A–D) n = 10/group; error bars are standard deviations; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.005.