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. 2014 Jan 9;1(1):11–23. doi: 10.1159/000357402

Table 4.

The top functions of genes with an altered expression pattern in vitiligo patients’ PBMCs

Molecules in network Score Focus molecules Top functions
ADRM1, AKT1S1, Ant, CORO1A, CYC1, DOK3, EDA, INO80E, KSR2, MAGEC1, MIB2, MICAL1, NCF1C, NFkB (complex), NFKBID, NMRAL1, PAM16 (includes EG:100042179), PIDD, PKN3, RAB1B, RUSC2, RUVBL2, SLC2A6, SPATA20, ST18, ST6GALNAC4, TELO2, TIMM13, TIMM17B, TNFRSF10C, TSPO, UQCRC1, VDAC2, WDR34, ZNHIT2 50 33 Cell cycle, connective tissue disorders, dental disease

ABTB1, APBA3, ATP13A2, C1QA, C1QB, CA1, CCS, CD320, CFD, CLEC10A, creatine kinase, CTSD, DBF4 (includes EG:10926), DDAH2, DYSF, EGLN2, Ferritin, FTL, HBA1/HBA2, HBB, hemoglobin, LRWD1, MCM2, MYL4, MZF1, NFE2, PAPPA, PRDX2, SCAND1, SERPINF2, SIGLEC1, TBKBP1, TMSB10/TMSB4X, TNFRSF6B, Vegf 43 31 Protein synthesis, hematological disease, hereditary disorder

AES, AGTRAP, ASGR1, BCAT2, CSK, Eif4g, ERK, ETS, FAU, FERMT3, GP9, GP1BB, HK3, IL23R, ITGA2B, LIME1, Mac1, MATK, MBD3 (includes EG:17192), MVP, Ribosomal 40s subunit, RNF181, Rnr, RPS9, RPS10, RPS11, RPS16, RPS19, RPS26, RPS15A, SRCIN1, TRAF, USF2, ZBTB17, ZGPAT 38 28 Developmental disorder, hematological disease, hereditary disorder

ADAM15, ARHGAP4, c-Src, CAMK1, CLCF1, CYBA, Cyba-Ncf1c-Ncf2-Nox-Ncf4, EFNB2, ERK1/2, G6PC3, HMMR, IgG2b, IgG2c, KLRC1, MTUS1, NCF1, NCF4, NOXA1, Phox, RAB4B, Rap1, Rap1-gp91-p22 phox-p40 phox-p47 phox-p67 phox, RASGRP4, RGS14, RIN1, RRAS, SCRIB, SHARPIN, SIPA1, SORBS2, SYTL1, TMEM176B, TXN2, TYMP, VEGFB 35 27 Hereditary disorder, inflammatory disease, free radical scavenging

Akt, C12orf44, CD19, CD22, CD79A, CD79B, CDON, COL6A2, COLEC12, Collagen Type VI, FCGRT, HCST, IgD, IgG1, Igg3, IgG2a, INPP5E, KLKB1, LGALS3BP, MARCO, mir-26, mir-29, mir-221, MIR17HG, PFKL, Ppp2c, PPP2R5B, PVRL2, PVRL3, SCAVENGER RECEPTOR CLASS A, SPHK2, Sphk, TCL1A, TNFRSF13C, TYROBP 32 26 Cell death and survival, cellular development, hematological system development and function

ABCD1, adenosine-tetraphosphatase, APEX2, ATP5D, ATP5G1, ATP5I, ATP6V0D1, ATPase, BLVRB, CARNS1, CD40, DQX1, EVI5L, FBL, FCER2, FCRLA, H+-transporting two-sector ATPase, Iga, IgG, Igm, IL12 (complex), Immunoglobulin, JINK1/2, LILRB3, LST1, MHC Class II (complex), NAT14, NINL, NUDT18, RABAC1, SMOX, SYP, TCIRG1, TRAF2, UBXN11 31 25 Energy production, nucleic acid metabolism, small molecule biochemistry

Actin, ADAM8, Alpha Actinin, Alpha catenin, Cadherin, Calcineurin protein(s), Calmodulin, CAMK2B, CBWD2, CDC42EP2, CORO6, CORO2B, CPNE5, DCTN6, DVL1, F Actin, FKBP8, Gamma tubulin, KCNN4, KLF5, LYPLA2, MARK4, MYL9, Myosin, ORAI1, OSCAR, PARVB, PDLIM7, PITPNM1, PLEC, PPP1R12C, RHOC, Rock, S100A9, TMOD1 31 25 Cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization, cellular function and maintenance

Acox, Alp, AMPK, CAPN10, CCDC99, CDC34, Cdk, CORO7/CORO7-PAM16, Cyclin A, Cyclin D, Cyclin E, EIF4E, FADS2, FGF9, FRMD6, GADD45GIP1, Insulin, mir-30, mir-130, mir-181, mir-368, MTORC1, PNKP, POLD1, POP7 (includes EG:100004610), RASSF8, Rb, RPPH1, SLC30A10, SLC6A8, STARD10, STK11, TFEB, TOB1, TUBE1 31 25 Endocrine system disorders, reproductive system disease connective tissue disorders

AATK, Adaptor protein 1, alcohol group acceptor phosphotransferase, Casein, Caspase 3/7, CDC37, CDK5, DIXDC1, ECSIT, GCDH, GRK6, GZMH, Ikk (family), IL-1R, IL1R2, IRAK1, IRAK, IRF, IRS, Jnk, LLGL2, LONP1, MAP2K2, MAP3K10, MAP3K11, MAP3K, mir-199, NEFH, NEFL, PAWR, PKN1, PPP5C, SIGIRR, SPSB2, TRAF7 28 24 Cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cellular assembly and organization, cellular function and maintenance

ABCC9, ACD, ARL4A, BATF, Cbp/p300, CDA, COBRA1, EDF1, FKBP14, GAPDH, HDAC10, HIST1H3A (includes others), HIST1H4A (includes others), HISTONE, Histone h4, Holo RNA polymerase II, IFI35, IFI27L2, IFITM2, IFN ALPHA RECEPTOR, IFN alpha/beta, Ifnar, Importin alpha, Interferon-alpha induced, MED16, mediator, MX1, POLR2E, PPARG, PRMT1, RNA polymerase II, SSBP4, TERC, THAP7, ZBTB7B 28 24 Cellular assembly and organization, cardiovascular system development and function, cellular function and maintenance

60S ribosomal subunit, ADAMTS1, Ap1, C1q, Cg, CK1, Creb, DSCC1, FGF2, Fibrinogen, GAS1 (includes EG:14451), glutathione peroxidase, glutathione transferase, GPX1 (includes EG:14775), GST, GSTM3, GSTP1, GSTZ1, KLHL4, KPTN, Laminin, Mek, mir-23, NKG7, PTX3, RPL3, RPL8, RPL18, RPL23, RPL24, RPL18A, RPL37A, RPL7A, SPI1 (includes EG:20375), TNFRSF8 28 23 Drug metabolism, protein synthesis, cardiovascular system development and function

ARHGEF10L, CD3-TCR, CTDSP1, DHX58, DLEU1, DNASE2, DRAP1, E2f, GAS2L1, Hat, HIST1H2BJ/HIST1H2BK, HLA Class I, HLA-A, Hla-abc, HLA-G, HLA-J, IFN TYPE 1, IMPA2, IRF7, LILRA5, MHC, MHC CLASS I (family), Nc2, NCLN, NFAT (complex), NFkB (family), NLRP12, NOMO1 (includes others), OAS1, PSMB10, Ras, RFXANK, SLC25A22, SPCS2, TNFRSF14 27 23 Dermatological diseases and conditions, immunological disease, inflammatory disease

The first 12 functional groups are presented, altogether 21 groups were found.