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. 2015 Nov 30;8(3):223–229. doi: 10.4168/aair.2016.8.3.223

Table. Trends in emergency department visits, general ward hospitalizations, and intensive care unit hospitalizations for childhood asthma by year, age, and sex, from 2007 until 2012.

Variables Total number of ED visits GW
hospitalizations (n)
hospitalization rates (%)
Adjusted OR 95% CI P value ICU
hospitalizations (n)
hospitalization rates (%)
Adjusted OR 95% CI P value
Year 0.96 0.94-0.97 0.001 0.91 0.85-0.97 0.003
 2007 5,534 2,522 45.6 1.00 Reference 34 0.6 1.00 Reference
 2008 5,521 2,265 41.0 0.84 0.77-0.90 0.001 43 0.8 1.17 0.74-1.84 0.499
 2009 7,862 3,572 45.4 1.04 0.97-1.12 0.245 117 1.5 2.45 1.66-3.59 0.001
 2010 7,358 3,036 41.3 0.85 0.79-0.91 0.001 57 0.8 1.17 0.76-1.79 0.473
 2011 8,563 3,852 45.0 0.98 0.91-1.05 0.537 52 0.6 0.97 0.63-1.51 0.907
 2012 6,290 2,277 36.2 0.68 0.63-0.73 0.001 32 0.5 0.70 0.43-1.13 0.147
Age group 0.67 0.65-0.69 0.001 1.24 1.07-1.44 0.005
 3-6 years 22,364 10,827 48.4 1.10 Reference 151 0.7 1.00 Reference
 7-12 years 14,570 5,376 36.9 0.62 0.60-0.65 0.001 121 0.8 0.98 0.77-1.25 0.856
 13-18 years 4,194 1,321 31.5 0.49 0.46-0.53 0.001 63 1.5 1.68 1.25-2.26 0.001
Sex 1.21 1.16-1.26 0.001 0.88 0.70-1.12 0.296
 Male 26,646 10,909 40.9 1.00 Reference 232 0.9 1.00 Reference
 Famale 14,482 6,615 45.7 1.21 1.16-1.26 0.001 103 0.7 0.88 0.69-1.11 0.272
Total 41,128 17,524 42.6 335 0.8

ED, emergency department; GW, general ward; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit.