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. 2016 Mar 1;11(3):e0150437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150437

Table 3. Interpretations of Analyst 1 and 2 based on an analysis of extracted residues under transmitted light.

Staining was applied when considered relevant by the analyst (BT: blind test; CL: confidence level—on scale from 0 = uncertain to 4 = certain). Scores: 0 (wrong), 0,5 (partially correct), 1 (correct).

BT Nr Analyst 1 Analyst 2
Transmitted light Staining Transmitted light Staining
Used vs unused CL Score Use Tool Use CL Score / worked material Score / motion Prehensile mode CL Score / prehensile mode Stain (Orange G, Methylene Blue & Hemastix) Reaction on use or hafting residue? Did stain affect interpretation? Used vs unused CL Score Use Tool use CL Score worked material Score motion Prehensile mode CL Score / prehensile mdoe Stain (Orange G) Reaction on use or hafting residue? Did stain affect interpretation?
BT1 unused 3 1 unused 1 1 1 none 3 1 MB positive but contamination because fragmented 0 confirms contamination unused 1 1 unused 1 1 1 none 1 1 - - -
BT2 used 1 0 cutting animal 2 0 0 hafted 3 1 OG—few fragments positive 0 negative influence unknown 0 - unknown 0 - - unknown - - Negative 1 uncertainty maintained
BT3 used 4 1 slicing fish 3 1 1 hand-held 3 1 OG—confirms collagen 1 confirm unknown 2 - unknown 2 - - unknown - - - - -
BT4 uncertain 0 - uncertain 1 - - hafted 4 1 OG—negative, MB—positive 1 uncertainty maintained used 3 1 Plant processing 3 1 1 hand-held 2 0 - - -
BT5 used 2 0 antler scraping 2 0 0 hand-held 2 0 OG—negative 1 contradiction, but interpretation maintained used 4 0 Animal processing 4 0 0 hafted 3 0 Positive 0 negative influence
BT6 used 3 0 antler scraping 3 0 0 hand-held 3 0 OG—positive; MB—positive 0 negative influence unknown 0 - unknown 0 - - unknown - - Negative 1 uncertainty maintained
BT7 unused 3 1 unused 3 1 1 none 3 1 - - used 1 0 cutting wood 1 0 0 hand-held 2 0 - - -
BT8 used 4 0 scraping meat from bone 3 0 0 hand-held 4 0 OG—positive 0 negative influence used 4 0 Animal processing 4 0 0 hafted 4 0 - - -
BT9 used 4 1 wood scraping 4 1 1 hand-held 1 0 MB—positive 1 confirm used 4 1 scraping wood 4 1 1 hafted 4 1 - - -
BT10 used 4 1 slicing meat 3 0 1 hand-held 3 1 OG—positive 1 confirm used 3 1 cutting wood 3 0 1 hafted 3 0 - - -
BT11 used 4 1 scraping wood 2 1 1 hafted 1 1 MB—positive; OG—negative 1 confirm used 4 1 scraping skin 4 1 0 hafted 4 1 Positive 0 negative influence
BT12 unused 4 1 unused 4 1 1 none 4 1 - - - unknown 1 - unknown 1 - - unknown - - Positive (only stained little parts) 0 uncertainty maintained
BT13 used 4 1 butchering 4 1 1 hafted 1 0 - - - used 4 1 scraping skin 4 0,5 0 hand-held 4 1 - - -
BT14 used 3 0 plant processing 1 0 0 hand-held 1 0 MB—positive (but uncommon) 0 negative influence used 3 0 wood cutting 3 0 0 hand-held 1 0 - - -
BT15 unused 1 0 unused 1 0 0 none 1 0 - - - unused 4 0 Not used 4 0 0 none 0 0 - - -
BT16 used 3 0 antler/bone scraping 3 0 0 hand-held 3 0 OG—positive 0 negative influence used 0 0 animal processing 0 0 0 hand-held 0 0 Negative 1 stain ignored
BT17 used 3 1 starchy plant processing 3 0 0 hafted 2 0 OG—negative 0 negative influence unknown 2 - unknown 2 - - hafted 1 0 Positive 1 uncertainty maintained
BT18 used 4 1 sawing fresh wood 3 1 0 hand-held 3 1 - - - used 2 1 plant processing, buried in sediment 2 1 0 hafted 2 0 - - -
BT19 used 4 0 cutting fish 3 0 0 hand-held 1 0 OG—positive; Hemastix—positive 0 negative influence used 3 0 cutting meat (butchering) 3 0 0 hand-held 3 0 Positive 0 negative influence
BT20 used 3 1 plant processing 3 1 1 hafted 1 0 - - - used 4 1 cutting plants 4 1 1 hand-held 1 0 Positive 0 ignored
BT21 used 2 0 cutting/slicing plant 1 0 0 hand-held 1 0 MB—positive; OG—positive 0 negative influence unknown 0 - unknown 0 - - hand-held 0 0 Postive 0 uncertainty maintained
BT22 used 2 0 antler scraping 2 0 0 hafted 1 1 OG & MB—both positive 0,5 negative influence unknown 1 - unknown 1 - - hafted 1 1 Negative 1 uncertainty maintained
BT23 used 4 1 bone/antler scraping 3 1 1 hafted 3 1 MB & OG—both positive; Hemastix slight trace of haem 1 confirm used 2 1 animal processing (butchering) 2 0 0 hand-held 2 0 Positive 1 confirm
BT24 used 2 1 digging sediment/earth 1 0 0 hand-held 2 1 - - - perhaps used 2 0,5 buried and maybe used for animal processing 2 1 0 hand-held 2 1 Positive 1 uncertainty maintained
BT25 uncertain 0 - uncertain 0 - - hafted 1 0 - - - used 2 0 dry bone or antler 2 0 0 hand-held 0 0 Positive 0 negative influence
BT26 used 1 0 uncertain 0 - - uncertain 0 - MB & OG—both positive 0 negative influence unused 0 1 Not used 0 1 1 none 0 1 Negative 1 confirm
BT27 unused 4 1 unused 4 1 1 none 4 1 - - - unused 2 1 Not used, only haft related 2 1 1 hafted 2 0 - - -
BT28 used 4 1 wood scraping 1 1 0,5 hafted 2 1 - - - used 3 1 scraping wood 3 1 0,5 hand-held 3 0 - - -
BT29 uncertain 0 - inorganic / sediment 0 0 0 uncertain 0 - - - - perhaps used 2 0,5 buried or used for scraping stone 2 0 0 unknown - - - - -
BT30 uncertain 0 - uncertain 0 - - uncertain 0 - MB & OG—both positive 0 uncertainty maintained unknown 1 - unknown 1 - - hafted 1 0 Negative 1 uncertainty maintained