Table 1.
Comparison of genes responsible for Jasmonates (JA) biosynthesis and signaling between rice and other plants
Gene | Functions | References | Species | Gene | Functions | References |
TASSELSEED-2 | Increases contents of JA precursors, resulting in sterility | Liu et al. 2012a | maize | TASSELSEED-1 | Lipoxygenase, affecting JA signaling in sex determination | Acosta et al. 2009 |
OsAOS | JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when silenced; 2resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and Magnaporthe grisea when overexpressed; 3activated by red and blue light | 1Bae et al. 2010; 2Mei et al. 2006; 3Haga and Iino 2004 | 1,2 Arabidopsis | AOS | 1JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when mutated; 2susceptible to bacterium Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora strain WPP14 (Ecc) when mutated; 3susceptible to Mycosphaerella pinodes when silenced | 1Park et al. 2002; 2Pajerowska-Mukhtar et al. 2008; 3Toyoda et al. 2013 |
3 Pea | ||||||
OsOPR | 1JA biosynthesis; sterility complement when expressed in Arabidopsis opr3 mutant; 2activated in response to red light | 1Tani et al. 2008; 2Riemann et al. 2003 | 1 Arabidopsis | OPR3 | 1JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when mutated; 2susceptible to M. pinodes when silenced | 1Tani et al. 2008; 2Toyoda et al. 2013 |
2 Pea | ||||||
OsAOC | 1JA biosynthesis; 1early flowering, elongated sterile lemma and reduced fertility; 1enhanced fungal hyphal growth when mutated; 2involved in light-mediated inhibition of coleoptile elongation | 1Riemann et al. 2013; 2Riemann et al. 2003 | 1 P. Patens | 1 PpAOC | 1Reduced fertility and altered sporophyte morphology when mutated; 2susceptible to M. pinodes when silenced | 1Stumpe et al. 2010; 2Toyoda et al. 2013 |
2 Pea | ||||||
OsJAR1 | 1Catalyzing JA-Ile production to resist blast attack; 1coleoptiles grow longer when mutated under FR; 2functioning in JA-light signaling | 1Wakuta et al. 2011; 2Riemann et al. 2008 | Arabidopsis | JAR1 | 1Affecting root elongation and seed germination; 2increased susceptibility to the soil fungus Pythium irregulare when mutated; 3hypocotyl growth inhibition when mutated; 4required for shade responses | 1Staswick et al. 1992; 2Staswick et al. 1998; 3Chen et al. 2007; 4Robson et al. 2010 |
OsJMT1 | Promoting production of MeJA | Kim et al. 2009 | Arabidopsis | AtRMC | Promoting production of MeJA; grain yield reduction when overexpressed in rice | Kim et al. 2009 |
OsHI-LOX | 1JA biosynthesis; 2susceptible to rice striped stem borer (SSB) and resistant to rice brown planthopper (BPH) when knocked down | 1Li et al. 2013; 2Zhou et al. 2009 | Arabidopsis | 13-LOXs | 1Contributing to rapid jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves; 2defense against herbivores | 1Chauvin et al. 2013; 2Chauvin 2014 |
OsCOI1 | 1A JA receptor; 1faster germination when silenced; 2activating JA responsive genes; 3resistance to Xoo | 1Yang et al. 2012; 2Katsir et al. 2008; 2Yamada et al. 2012; 3Yang 2009 | Arabidopsis | COI1 | 1Male sterility when mutated; resistance to insect herbivory and pathogens; growth inhibition; 2required for light-induced suppression of hypocotyl elongation in response to both R and FR light; 2suppressing chlorophyll biosynthesis | 1Browse 2009b; 2Robson et al. 2010 |
OsJAZ | 1Functioning in JA signaling; 1regulating JA responsive gene; 2participating in drought resistance; 3 involved in JA-induced resistance to bacterial blight | 1Toda et al. 2013; 2Seo et al. 2011; 3Yamada et al. 2012 | Arabidopsis | JAZ1 | 1functional in shade responses; 2 35S:JAZ1D transgenic plants display male sterility, reduced defense against Pseudomonas syringae, and showing altered JA-mediated root growth inhibition; 3 displaying reduced resistance to the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua | 1Robson et al. 2010; 2Thines et al. 2007; 2Melotto et al. 2008; 3Chung et al. 2008 |
rim1 | 1Negatively regulating JA signaling; 1root inhibition when mutated; 2confering resistance to Rice dwarf virus | 1Yoshii et al. 2010; 2Yoshii et al. 2008 | Arabidopsis | ANAC028 | Unknown function | Yoshii et al. 2008 |
OsWRKY45-1; OsWRKY45-2 | Positively regulating JA signaling; directing defense against Xoo | Tao et al. 2009 | Arabidopsis | AtWRKY45 | 1JA responsive; 2positively regulating Pi uptake | 1Schluttenhofer et al. 2014; 2Wang et al. 2014 |
OsWRKY13 | suppressing JA signaling; defense against Xoo and M. grisea | Tao et al. 2009 | Soybean | GmWRKY13 | increased sensitivity to salt and mannitol stresses, increase in lateral roots when overexpressed in Arabidopsis | Zhou et al. 2008 |
OsWRKY30 | 1Activating JA biosynthetic pathway; 1defense against Rhizoctonia Solani and M. Grisea; 2confering drought tolerance | 1Peng et al. 2012; 2Shen et al. 2012 | Capsicum annuum | CaWRKY30 | Induced by various pathogens and SA, suppressed by JA | Zheng et al. 2011 |
OsNPR1 | 1Suppressing JA signaling; 1resisting against SSB when knockdown; 1mediating JA and ET crosstalk; 2mediating JA and SA crosstalk | 1Li et al. 2013; 2Yuan et al. 2007 | Arabidopsis | NPR1 | 1Involved in the SA-mediated suppression of JA signaling; 2required for systemic resistance conferred by the Mycorrhizal fungus Piriformospora indica | 1Spoel et al. 2003; 2Stein et al. 2008 |
OsMPK | Causing reduced levels of JA and susceptible to SSB larvae when silenced | Wang et al. 2013 | Arabidopsis | MPK4 | 1Positive regulator of ET- and JA-mediated defenses; 2negative regulator of SA-dependent systemic required resistance; 3implicated in responses to abiotic stress | 1Brodersen et al. 2006; 2Petersen et al. 2000; 3Ichimura et al. 2000 |
OsPLDs | Resistance to SSB infestation; reducing their expression resulted in the reduced elicited levels of linolenic acid, JA, green leaf volatiles, and ethylene | Qi et al. 2011 | Arabidopsis | PLDs | 1mediating wound induction of JA; 2required for high salinity and water deficit tolerance; 3functional in microtubule organization, 4salicylic acid signaling and 5seedling development | 1Wang et al. 2000; 2Bargmann et al. 2009; 3Gardiner et al. 2003; 4Krinke et al. 2009; 5Motes et al. 2005 |