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. 2015 Jan 29;8:5. doi: 10.1186/s12284-015-0042-9

Table 1.

Comparison of genes responsible for Jasmonates (JA) biosynthesis and signaling between rice and other plants

Gene Functions References Species Gene Functions References
TASSELSEED-2 Increases contents of JA precursors, resulting in sterility Liu et al. 2012a maize TASSELSEED-1 Lipoxygenase, affecting JA signaling in sex determination Acosta et al. 2009
OsAOS JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when silenced; 2resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and Magnaporthe grisea when overexpressed; 3activated by red and blue light 1Bae et al. 2010; 2Mei et al. 2006; 3Haga and Iino 2004 1,2 Arabidopsis AOS 1JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when mutated; 2susceptible to bacterium Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora strain WPP14 (Ecc) when mutated; 3susceptible to Mycosphaerella pinodes when silenced 1Park et al. 2002; 2Pajerowska-Mukhtar et al. 2008; 3Toyoda et al. 2013
3 Pea
OsOPR 1JA biosynthesis; sterility complement when expressed in Arabidopsis opr3 mutant; 2activated in response to red light 1Tani et al. 2008; 2Riemann et al. 2003 1 Arabidopsis OPR3 1JA biosynthesis; 1sterility when mutated; 2susceptible to M. pinodes when silenced 1Tani et al. 2008; 2Toyoda et al. 2013
2 Pea
OsAOC 1JA biosynthesis; 1early flowering, elongated sterile lemma and reduced fertility; 1enhanced fungal hyphal growth when mutated; 2involved in light-mediated inhibition of coleoptile elongation 1Riemann et al. 2013; 2Riemann et al. 2003 1 P. Patens 1 PpAOC 1Reduced fertility and altered sporophyte morphology when mutated; 2susceptible to M. pinodes when silenced 1Stumpe et al. 2010; 2Toyoda et al. 2013
2 Pea
OsJAR1 1Catalyzing JA-Ile production to resist blast attack; 1coleoptiles grow longer when mutated under FR; 2functioning in JA-light signaling 1Wakuta et al. 2011; 2Riemann et al. 2008 Arabidopsis JAR1 1Affecting root elongation and seed germination; 2increased susceptibility to the soil fungus Pythium irregulare when mutated; 3hypocotyl growth inhibition when mutated; 4required for shade responses 1Staswick et al. 1992; 2Staswick et al. 1998; 3Chen et al. 2007; 4Robson et al. 2010
OsJMT1 Promoting production of MeJA Kim et al. 2009 Arabidopsis AtRMC Promoting production of MeJA; grain yield reduction when overexpressed in rice Kim et al. 2009
OsHI-LOX 1JA biosynthesis; 2susceptible to rice striped stem borer (SSB) and resistant to rice brown planthopper (BPH) when knocked down 1Li et al. 2013; 2Zhou et al. 2009 Arabidopsis 13-LOXs 1Contributing to rapid jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves; 2defense against herbivores 1Chauvin et al. 2013; 2Chauvin 2014
OsCOI1 1A JA receptor; 1faster germination when silenced; 2activating JA responsive genes; 3resistance to Xoo 1Yang et al. 2012; 2Katsir et al. 2008; 2Yamada et al. 2012; 3Yang 2009 Arabidopsis COI1 1Male sterility when mutated; resistance to insect herbivory and pathogens; growth inhibition; 2required for light-induced suppression of hypocotyl elongation in response to both R and FR light; 2suppressing chlorophyll biosynthesis 1Browse 2009b; 2Robson et al. 2010
OsJAZ 1Functioning in JA signaling; 1regulating JA responsive gene; 2participating in drought resistance; 3 involved in JA-induced resistance to bacterial blight 1Toda et al. 2013; 2Seo et al. 2011; 3Yamada et al. 2012 Arabidopsis JAZ1 1functional in shade responses; 2 35S:JAZ1D transgenic plants display male sterility, reduced defense against Pseudomonas syringae, and showing altered JA-mediated root growth inhibition; 3 displaying reduced resistance to the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua 1Robson et al. 2010; 2Thines et al. 2007; 2Melotto et al. 2008; 3Chung et al. 2008
rim1 1Negatively regulating JA signaling; 1root inhibition when mutated; 2confering resistance to Rice dwarf virus 1Yoshii et al. 2010; 2Yoshii et al. 2008 Arabidopsis ANAC028 Unknown function Yoshii et al. 2008
OsWRKY45-1; OsWRKY45-2 Positively regulating JA signaling; directing defense against Xoo Tao et al. 2009 Arabidopsis AtWRKY45 1JA responsive; 2positively regulating Pi uptake 1Schluttenhofer et al. 2014; 2Wang et al. 2014
OsWRKY13 suppressing JA signaling; defense against Xoo and M. grisea Tao et al. 2009 Soybean GmWRKY13 increased sensitivity to salt and mannitol stresses, increase in lateral roots when overexpressed in Arabidopsis Zhou et al. 2008
OsWRKY30 1Activating JA biosynthetic pathway; 1defense against Rhizoctonia Solani and M. Grisea; 2confering drought tolerance 1Peng et al. 2012; 2Shen et al. 2012 Capsicum annuum CaWRKY30 Induced by various pathogens and SA, suppressed by JA Zheng et al. 2011
OsNPR1 1Suppressing JA signaling; 1resisting against SSB when knockdown; 1mediating JA and ET crosstalk; 2mediating JA and SA crosstalk 1Li et al. 2013; 2Yuan et al. 2007 Arabidopsis NPR1 1Involved in the SA-mediated suppression of JA signaling; 2required for systemic resistance conferred by the Mycorrhizal fungus Piriformospora indica 1Spoel et al. 2003; 2Stein et al. 2008
OsMPK Causing reduced levels of JA and susceptible to SSB larvae when silenced Wang et al. 2013 Arabidopsis MPK4 1Positive regulator of ET- and JA-mediated defenses; 2negative regulator of SA-dependent systemic required resistance; 3implicated in responses to abiotic stress 1Brodersen et al. 2006; 2Petersen et al. 2000; 3Ichimura et al. 2000
OsPLDs Resistance to SSB infestation; reducing their expression resulted in the reduced elicited levels of linolenic acid, JA, green leaf volatiles, and ethylene Qi et al. 2011 Arabidopsis PLDs 1mediating wound induction of JA; 2required for high salinity and water deficit tolerance; 3functional in microtubule organization, 4salicylic acid signaling and 5seedling development 1Wang et al. 2000; 2Bargmann et al. 2009; 3Gardiner et al. 2003; 4Krinke et al. 2009; 5Motes et al. 2005