Figure 6. Directional HMEC-1 migration towards tumor spheroid when injected within area of tumor-oriented collagen for panel of tumor cell lines.
(a) Panel of cell lines used with corresponding symbols. (b,e,g) Direction (b) elongation (e) and orientation (g) of HMEC-1 spheroids measured 24 hours after HMEC-1 injection at varying distances from panel of tumor spheroids (a) plotted against collagen orientation parameter at the corresponding distances (obtained in each case from reflection microscopy 48 hours after tumor cell injection just prior to HMEC-1 injection). Dashed line is drawn at one standard deviation above average collagen orientation parameter and indicates the threshold for “oriented collagen”. (c,f,h) Box whisker graphs showing the minimum to maximum of direction (c) elongation (f) and orientation (h) of HMEC-1 spheroids injected in regions of oriented collagen vs regions of random collagen. (d) Major axis direction of HMEC-1 injections in oriented collagen vs random collagen plotted against the direction of the tumor spheroids (set vertically for each experiment; red arrow). (i) Box whisker graph showing HMEC-1 spheroid expansion following 24 hours incubation with conditioned medium from the indicated tumor cell lines normalized to complete HMEC-1 culture medium (Control); SFM, serum free MCDB131 medium. NS, p > 0.05, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005 according to Mann-Whitney test. PCC: calculated Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.