Figure 2. miR-155−/− mice show improved mortality and cardiac function during CVB3-induced VM.
miR-155−/− and WT mice received 1 × 105 PFU of CVB3 i.p. on day 0. (A) The survival rate of mice was observed until week 5 (day 35) post-infection. (B) Echocardiographic examination was performed at week 2 (day 14) and week 5 (day 35). Left ventricular (LV) diameters at end-diastole (LVEDD) and end-systole (LVESD) were measured, and fractional shortening (FS) was calculated. Experiments were repeated three times in triplicate with 15 mice per group. Bar graph data are presented as mean ± SD; *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 as compared with WT.