a HAV and b EV71 coloured as 1a, light blue mesh: pocket-volume calculated with PyMOL. Magenta: EV71 pocket factor. c, Pocket close-up, left strand C, right H, for: HRV14 (yellow), FMDV (blue), EV71 (orange, pocket factor magenta) and HAV (green, note occlusion of pocket entrance). Met224 occludes part of the empty HRV14 pocket. A and B: bulky side-chains occlude the HAV and FMDV pockets (A: Leu-HAV, Tyr-FMDV, B: Phe-HAV and Tyr-FMDV). d, e, Biological protomers of CrPV and FMDV respectively superimposed on HAV. The star marks the VP2 N-terminus that folds differently in FMDV (switch at residue 53 is indicated). HAV coloured as in a (CrPV and FMDV grey). f, HAV compared with polio virus type 1 (1HXS) in g. The pentamer interface runs horizontally across the centre with the perpendicular 2-fold axis roughly central. Surface drawn for upper pentamer. 2-fold related β-sheets are at A and B. VP1 blue and indigo, VP2 green and lime-green, VP3 red. VP4 omitted for clarity. Upper pentamer chains drawn thicker.