Transmission electron micrographs showing amyloplast morphology in developing rice starchy endosperm. A, Amyloplast development in the subaleurone layer cells of the wild type. a to e show amyloplasts at different developmental stages. Arrowheads indicate the IEM, and stars show protein bodies. Bars = 500 nm. B, Typical amyloplasts observed in ultrathin uranyl-lead-stained sections in the subaleurone layer cells at 7 DAF. Wild-type cv Nipponbare (WT), ss3a, ss4b (e8), and ss3a ss4b (#2012) were compared. Arrowheads indicate IEM, and arrows indicate outer amyloplast membrane. Bars = 2 μm. C, Aberrant ss3a ss4b amyloplasts in the subaleurone layer cells at 7 DAF. Bars = 1 μm.