Maize root types, cellular organization, and laser captured pericycle cell transcriptomes under homogenous low nitrate or local high nitrate conditions. A, Graphic depiction of pericycle cells (in color) adjacent to phloem poles of the four maize root types primary root (PR), seminal root (SR), crown root (CR), and brace root (BR) subjected to RNA sequencing. B, Representative sections taken before and after laser capture microdissection of phloem pole pericycle cells. Asterisks, phloem poles. C, Multidimensional scaling plot visualizing overall similarity of RNA populations based on gene expression for all 24 root type-specific pericycle cells. Homo LN, homogeneous low nitrate; Local HN, local high nitrate. D, SCC analysis of the eight transcriptomes using log2-transformed FPKM values of all expressed genes. The hierarchical clustering dendrogram was inferred by applying 1-SCC as distance function.