Solid lines indicate lasers and light sources: 830 nm detection laser (orange), 1,064 nm trapping laser (red), 532 nm excitation laser (green), and 470 nm illuminating LED (blue). Filled bars are emissions received by these detectors: position sensitive detector (PSD), electron multiplying charge coupled device (EMCCD) camera, and a video camera. Lasers are maneuvered and modified in intensity using acousto-optic deflectors (AOD) and acousto-optic modulators (AOM), respectively. The dual beam trapping laser is expanded using a beam expander (BE) and split with a beam splitter. The excitation laser emission goes through a dichroic mirror (D5, T640LP; Chroma, Brattleboro, VT) to split the acceptor and donor emissions. Filters (F), Wollaston prisms (W), pinholes (P), dichroic mirrors (D), mirrors (M), and telescopes (T) are labeled.