Figure 5. Effects of fenofibrate and tesaglitazar on the severity of ethanol-induced acute withdrawal in B6 and B6 × 129S4 mice.
A-C. HIC score and area under the curve (above basal) and area above the curve (below basal) in B6 × 129S4 male mice (n=21 for control; n=12 for fenofibrate; n=10 for tesaglitazar). D–F. HIC score and area under the curve (above basal) and area above the curve (below basal) in B6 male mice (n=7 for control; n=9 for fenofibrate; n=10 for tesaglitazar). G–I. HIC score and area under the curve (above basal) and area above the curve (below basal) in B6 female mice (n=10 for each group). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s test (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 compared to saline control). Horizontal dashed and solid lines represent the basal HIC level for control and treated groups, respectively. Feno, fenofibrate; Tesa, tesaglitazar.