Figure 1.
SP1 is overexpressed in malignant pleural mesothelioma cells. (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.)
A). qRT-PCR (left, upper panel) and immunoblot (left, lower panel) showing that SP1 mRNA and protein expression levels are higher in cultured MPM cells relative to normal mesothelia; qRT-PCR (middle, upper panel) showing that SP1 mRNA is overexpressed in primary MPM compared to normal pleura; TMA analysis (middle, lower panel) of SP1 expression in normal mesothelial tissues (NMT, n=22) and malignant mesothelial tissues (MMT, n=59). SP1 staining was scored from 0-100 based on percentage of positive cells. The majority of the MMT had significantly increased SP1 staining compared to NMT. Correlation of increased intra-tumoral SP1 expression with overall survival in 39 patients with locally advanced MPM undergoing potentially curative resections (right panel).
B). Confirmation of stable knockdown of SP1 by qRT-PCR and immunoblot analysis in MES1 and MES7 cells (left and right panels, respectively).
C) and D). Time-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation, migration (after 72 hours) and clonogenicity (after 21 days) of SP1 knockdown in MES1 and MES7 cells, respectively. Both shRNA sequences significantly inhibit soft agar clonogenicity of MPM cells.