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. 2016 Mar 3;5:265. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1798-0

Table 2.

The comparison of the baseline characteristics

Recurrent ectopic Primary ectopic
Mean (±SD) or % (n) Mean (±SD) or % (n) p value Mean difference or odds ratio 95 % CI
Baseline characteristics of women with EP
 Agea 32.2 (5.08) 30.5 (5.83) 0.0049 −1.65 −2.78 to −0.51
 Parity 1b
 P0 37.5 (33/88) 44.7 (327/732) 0.2127 0.7431 0.471 to 1.172
 P1–P3 54.5 (48/88) 51.8 (379/732) 0.6526 1.118 0.717 to 1.742
 P4 or more 8.0 (7/88) 3.6 (26/732) 0.0755 2.347 0.9872 to 5.578
 Gestationa 5.99 (1.08) 6.52 (1.81) 0.0001 0.5402 0.2728 to 0.8076
Risk factors for EP in women with primary and recurrent EP
 Smoking 18.7 (17/91) 14.6 (108/741) 0.3498 1.346 0.7650 to 2.370
 Previous tubal surgery 61.4 (54/88) 3.5 (26/740) <0.0001 43.62 24.40 to 77.97
 Previous pelvic surgery 53.8 (49/91) 14.0 (104/743) <0.0001 7.168 4.519 to 11.37
 Previous miscarriage 27.5 (25/91) 24.1 (179/742) 0.5185 1.191 0.7297 to 1.945
 Previous TOP 14.3 (13/91) 18.7 (139/743) 0.3875 0.7242 0.3913 to 1.340
 Assisted reproduction 3.3 (3/91) 4.3 (32/743) 1.0 0.7575 0.2272 to 2.526
 Previous infertility 12.1 (11/91) 7.8 (58/743) 0.1602 1.624 0.8186 to 3.222
 Previous PID 8.8 (8/91) 7.7 (57/742) 0.6794 1.158 0.5339 to 2.513
 IUD 0 % 1.3 % (10/733) 0.6121 2.62 0.1521 to 45.11
 Mirena coil 0 % 0.9 % (7/743) 1 1.864 0.1055 to 32.92
Clinical presentation of women with primary and recurrent EP
 Painb 93.4 (85/91) 94.5 (705/746) 0.63 0.8239 0.3397 to 1.998
 Bleedingb 80.2 (73/91) 85.0 (634/746) 0.2239 0.7164 0.4118 to 1.246
 Vomitingb 7.7 (7/91) 9.7 (72/746) 0.7041 0.7801 0.3475 to 1.751
 Diarrhoeab 0 (0/91) 1.9 (14/746) 0.3849 0.2761 0.01632 to 4.670
 Shoulder tip painb 4.4 (4/91) 10.5 (78/745) 0.0899 0.3932 0.1404 to 1.101
 Syncopal attackb 6.6 (6/91) 11.1 (83/745) 0.2112 0.563 0.2385 to 1.329
 1st βHCGa 3176 (7350) 6243 (12,282) 0.0099 3053 750 to 5355
 TVSb 95.6 (87/91) 88.3 (651/737) 0.0323 0.348 0.1246 to 0.9724
 TASb 12.1 (11/91) 17.1 (126/738) 0.2943 1.497 0.7747 to 2.894
 Both TVS and TASb 11.0 (10/91) 12.0 (88/735) 1 1.102 0.5505 to 2.205
Ultrasound scan findings
 Adnexal massb 84.6 (77/91) 88.6 (643/726) 0.3007 1.409 0.7624 to 2.602
 Gest sacb 24.2 (22/91) 20.3 (148/730) 0.4104 0.7976 0.4776 to 1.332
 FHb 12.1 (11/91) 8.9 (65/730) 0.3363 0.7109 0.3602 to 1.403
 PoD fluidb 68.1 (62/91) 76.3 (557/730) 0.094 1.506 0.9385 to 2.417

The comparison of the baseline characteristics, risk factors, the clinical presentations and ultrasound scan findings of women presenting with primary EP compared with recurrent EP

TVS transvaginal ultrasound scan, TAS transabdominal ultrasound scan, PID pelvic inflammatory disease, IUD intrauterine device, FH fetal heartbeat, PoD pouch of douglas

aData shown as mean (SD) and analysed by Student’s t test, with mean difference and 95 % confidence interval

bData shown as % and analysed by Fisher’s exact test with Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval