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. 2016 Mar 2;94(3):563–567. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0553

Table 1.

Content of the Global Health Education Program Predeparture Orientation at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles

Session Component description Format Time allotted
Opening comments
Global Health Education Program leadership team Welcome and introductions Didactic with full group 30 minutes
Pass out personalized binders and flash drives
Overview of the structure of the day and course objectives
Expectations and professionalism
Director of the Global Health Education Programs History of UCLA Global Health Education Programs Didactic with full group 30 minutes
Explanation of professionalism and its importance
Review of the UCLA Code of Conduct*
Professionalism in practice—real world examples and lessons learned
Health and safety
Infectious diseases faculty Prevention of illness/accidents (food, animal, water, and road risks) Didactic and interactive case-based discussion 1 hour
Review of vaccines, antibiotics, antidiarrheal medications, and antimalarial prophylaxis
Occupational and nonoccupational HIV exposures and postexposure prophylaxis
Routine and emergency health care, including evacuation insurance
Introduction to emergency protocol
Logistics: review of orientation materials and academic requirements
Faculty from the Global Health Education Programs Review predeparture checklist Didactic 1 hour
Review binder materials
Review site-specific documents
Explain process for obtaining postexposure prophylaxis from UCLA student health
Review emergency protocol
Complete administrative forms (course enrollment, stipend, medical release, and consent for future contact)
Review other forms (photo release, student evaluations from host clinical or research supervisors, and PDO evaluation)
Discuss academic assignments (activated learning blog and development of global health cases)
Discuss assignment for required post-elective feedback session (reflection on experience)
Site-specific break out groups (over lunch)
Faculty from the Global Health Education Programs and medical students or residents with prior experience at the specific site Brief student presentations on a clinical or research topics relevant to the global site Small group (3–4 students and 1–2 mentors including faculty plus resident or senior medical student), interactive 2 hours
Discussion and review of site-specific logistics (culture, food, working environment, travel logistics, safety, packing and pretravel preparation, and other helpful tips)
Cultural humility and ethics cases
Faculty from the Global Health Education Programs Brief lecture on cultural humility and ethical challenges of working globally Small group and full group, interactive case-based discussion§ 1 hour
Discussion of 7–9 cases with a focus on ethics and cultural humility
Open discussion of personal experiences of faculty, trainees, and students in ethical and cultural challenges
Faculty from the Global Health Education Programs Final comments, summary of day Didactic 30 minutes
Additional questions and answers
Complete PDO evaluations

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; PDO = predeparture orientation; UCLA = University of California Los Angeles.


Code of Conduct included in Supplemental Appendix 2.

Predeparture checklist included in Supplemental Appendix 3.

Global health faculty assign each student a clinical or public health topic before the orientation. Each student prepares a 15-minute talk with a handout or Microsoft PowerPoint to share with the group.


Students are divided into groups of three and assigned cases to discuss and present to the full group; discussion moderated by faculty member.