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. 2016 Mar 3;6:22425. doi: 10.1038/srep22425

Figure 3.

Figure 3

(a) Out-of plane X-ray diffraction of oriented POPC membranes containing cortisone. (b) Top: scaled electron densities across the axis perpendicular to the bilayer for 0 mol% and 5 mol% cortisone. Bottom: the difference of these curves shows a positive peak at Inline graphic Å, indicating the position of cortisone, and a negative peak at Inline graphic Å due to the thinning of the membrane. The difference curve from the MD simulations at 5 mol% is included for comparison. The slight disagreement in peak position and width between experiment in simulation is likely due to bilayer undulations28. An example of Inline graphic is shown as an inset. (c) The lamellar spacing, Inline graphic, and the head-head distance, Inline graphic, as a function of cortisone concentration as determined from diffraction experiments. (d) Scattering along Inline graphic for the oriented membrane samples. Additional peaks, which appear for cortisone concentrations >20 mol%, can be indexed by crystalline cortisone. (e) The integrated intensities for the crystalline cortisone peak observed at Inline graphic Å−1 as a function of azimuthal angle ϕ. (f) Unit cell of the observed cortisone crystallites, as determined from the in-plane Bragg peaks.