Fig. 4.
Abolished lateral inhibition of cortical gamma activity in a thalamocortical slice of WT following IoN ligation. (A–D) Voltage-sensitive dye imaging of spatiotemporal patterns in the S1 cortex resulting from a sequence of seven 40-Hz white matter (WM) electrical stimulus trains shown in 2D (A and B) and 3D (C and D) images in WT mice. Note the spreading of cortical activity in WT-TNP (B and D), in contrast to the columnar pattern in WT-sham (A and C) mice. (E) Schematic drawing of a thalamocortical slice illustrating the S1 cortex, interconnected thalamic nuclei (VPM), and bipolar stimulation electrode. IC, internal capsule. (F–I) Same as in A–D for KO mice. Columnar pattern of cortical activation in KO mice. Note the restrained columnar cortical activity in KO-TNP (G and I), in contrast to the widely propagated cortical activity in WT-TNP (B and D) mice. (J) Plot of lateral spread of activity in each animal group. There was significantly increased L4 lateral spread in CaV3.1 WT-TNP (red) compared with the other animal groups (***P < 0.001 by Student’s t test). All values represent mean ± SEM.