PART I: Parental Perceptions of CHAMP |
Saturday Sessions: The first few questions I am going to ask you will focus on the Saturday education sessions. |
Aside from nutrition (which we will talk about in a moment), what did you find most valuable from the Saturday sessions? What did you find the least helpful? Why? |
What, if anything, is different about parenting for you now since attending CHAMP? |
How does what you’ve learned at CHAMP about health and parenting make you feel? (i.e., ability, confidence, knowledge) |
How do you use what you have learned during these family sessions at home? |
• Probe: How have your families responded? |
Nutrition: The next few questions will focus on the nutrition portion of the CHAMP Saturday sessions. |
What did you find most helpful/useful about the nutrition part of the program? Why? What did you find the least helpful? Why? |
In what ways do you use what you’ve learned about nutrition at home? |
• Probe: How have your families responded? |
Self-Esteem: For the next set of questions, I would like you to think about how CHAMP has influenced that way that you feel and act towards yourself and your family. |
Since coming to CHAMP, what (if anything) is different about how you treat yourself? Your family? |
• Probe: Could have to do with physical activity, healthy eating |
What have you learned about yourself? About your family? |
Cohesion: The following questions focus on your relationships with the other CHAMP parents and guardians. |
In what ways did you interact with other parents or families during CHAMP? |
• Probe: Was this helpful? Why or why not? |
What kind of contact (if any) have you had with the other CHAMP families since CHAMP ended? |
• Probe: How often? What types of things did you do/discuss? |
General: |
What would you say is the single most important thing that you learned at CHAMP? |
How are you going to incorporate what you’ve learned at CHAMP into your family life now that CHAMP is finished? |
What (if anything) would you like to see more of in future CHAMP parent education sessions? Less of? |
PART II: Parental Perception of the Impact on their Children |
Now I am going to ask you some questions about your children and how you think CHAMP has impacted them. |
Physical Activity: |
What is different about physical activity for your child now since coming to CHAMP? |
• Probe: What have you noticed about how your child views physical activity now? |
• Probe: How do you think your child will manage to sustain his or her new behaviours in the home environment now that CHAMP is finished? |
How do you think he or she feels about being more physically active? |
• Probe: What would you say that he/she liked best about the physical activity part of the program (i.e., activities? Least?) |
Nutrition: |
What is different about nutrition and eating for your child now since coming to CHAMP? |
In what ways has your child applied what he/she has learned about nutrition at home? |
• Probe: How do you think your child will manage to sustain his or her new eating behaviours in the home environment now that CHAMP is finished? |
In what ways has your child applied what he/she has learned about nutrition at school? |
In what ways (if any) do you as a family plan to eat differently at home now that CHAMP is finished? |
Self-Esteem: |
What is different about how your child feels about him/herself since coming to CHAMP? |
• Probe: Can you give an example of that? What is different about how your child treats him/herself since coming to CHAMP? |
• Probe: Can you give an example of that? What has your child learned about him/herself? |
Cohesion: |
What types of supports and/or barriers do you feel the children provided one another during CHAMP? |
• Probe: Do you anticipate that these will continue now that CHAMP is finished? |
In what ways do you think that being part of a team and participating in team games at CHAMP impacted your child? |
• Probe: How did being involved in the CHAMP “group” make your child feel? |
What kind of contact (if any) did your child have with other CHAMP campers outside of camp while CHAMP was running? |
• Probe: Do you feel that it is important for the children to have contact with other campers outside of CHAMP? |
What kind of contact does your child have with other CHAMP campers now? What types of things do they do? |
LAST QUESTION: At the start of CHAMP, how did you feel about being involved in a program targeting overweight children? |
How do you think your child felt? |
• Did these feelings remain the same, or did they change over the course of the program? In what ways? |
• Is there anything else about CHAMP that we haven’t discussed that you would like to add? |