Table 5.
Facilitators and barriers for change
Facilitators |
• “[T]he focus was on effort and participation not on results, whereas a lot of camps are results-oriented. So it was nice that they were all encouraging, and really supportive, and applauding best efforts. It was nurturing in that regard as well.” |
• “Having other kids there that were trying things new for the very first time… so she knew nobody was judging her and that was key. Nobody was judging her on how well she was doing and… she knew that there wouldn’t be a child who just accelerated above all the rest; she knew that they were all in the same level…So that in itself gave her the empowerment to…try new things.” |
• “I learned that other people have way more influence over [my child] than I do… My mom asked me how it went, and I said, ‘Mom, for once [there was] a counselor for every two kids…It was the most positive experience ever. Everybody was all for them, and I don’t think everyone ever gets that in their lives.’” |
• “Well, I think the first day…they were sold right from the get go…Just the acceptance… everything was so positive for them and it was all about them and they liked everyone. And I think they felt genuinely liked as well. In other words no opinions, nothing negative, no judgement.” |
• “[My child] and I did it [goal setting]…I find we need to have it in writing. And it’s up on our wall, in between our two bedrooms, and we need to keep looking at it and reminding ourselves because we’re so busy now that summer’s over; work, school, homework. So it helps us.…” |
• “I feel like I’m not alone. And it’s a nice feeling to know that there are so many other people out there just like me…We’re really feeling comfortable as a group and I got the feeling… that I can do it. It’s not just me.” |
• “[My son] just seems to have a little more, self-assured. I think the camp and the kids at the camp gave that to him…It was just being in the group…I remember the first week he said to me: ‘Mom, everybody belongs…I just know that I’ll fit in.’” |
• “There was so much positive reinforcement. Like it was always high fives and ‘way to go’ or whatever.” |
• “Ya, let’s face it. At school, he’s the outsider…This was his place to go, some place, and be welcomed in and … get the positive feedback for … trying hard at this and doing that. I think that was…that was huge for him.” |
• “Some goals we put in writing, and I found that’s the only way actually to get anything done.” |
• “Here is a program that…can keep the price real…they say that it’s, you know, people who come from lower income who have these issues…right? So, it was really nice to see that they kept the price of it really realistic, so that there’s finally something out there that can help, where you don’t have to…spend the farm on it to get these kind of results and this kind of knowledge and education. That was really cool.” |
Barriers |
• “That’s the barrier. It’s time. It’s getting home, and you’re not getting home ‘til 5:30, then you’re eating dinner and then you got to turn around and get going and go out somewhere else….” |
• “I’m struggling. I have a real barrier. I know I’m being a barrier because she wants me to come on and do everything with her, and I can’t… So, how do you get past that barrier, you know? |
• “Well, I still think it’s going to be a struggle…if it’s not structured for him, he still likes to watch TV or go on the computer. And so I’m going to have to try scheduling something for him to do…I’ve asked him if he wants to do certain things already for the fall and his answer is no. He doesn’t want to do those things that I’ve asked him.” |
• “[W]e have no buy-in from [our older son]. I mean, he’s the one who eats nothing but garbage and is you know, half the size of [our younger son]…When [our younger son] was a little kid he would say…‘How come [my older brother] eats so much crappy food and he’s so skinny and I’m so fat?.” |
• “I feel a bit lost…we have a split relationship with the children. One week at our house, one week at their father’s house. And [the father has] only come to one session…he didn’t really care about this….” |