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. 2016 Mar 3;10(3):e0004349. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004349

Table 3. Evolution history of Leishmania, sandfly, and reservoir over the time along the geographical evolution of the Earth.

Geographical time (MYA: Million Years Ago) PALEOZOIC MESOZOIC CAENOZOIC
PRECAMBRIAN (>544) CAMBRIAN (544–505) ORDOVICIAN (505–440) SILURIAN (440–410) DEVONIAN (410–360) CARBONIFEROUS (360–286) PERMIAN (286–245) TRIASSIC (245–208) JURASSIC (208–146) CRETACEOUS (146–65) PALAEOCENE (65–55) EOCENE (55–38) OLIGOCENE (38–25) MIOCENE (25–5) PLIOCENE (5–2.5) PLEISTOCENE (2.5MYA-12TYA) HOLOCENE (12TYA until now)
GEOGRAPHICAL EVENTS Emergence of Atlas Mountains Melting of the large glacial formations
Emergence of the Land Plants
Continents joined (Pangea) Seperation of the continents (235) Separation of Gondwana from Pangea (180)
Separation of Laurasia from Gondwana (180)
Formation of Andes Mountains (200)
Separation of Africa and South America
Formation of Bering straits
Emergence of Rocky Mountains (70)
Formation of McKinley (Denali) Mountains (56) Histricomorpha of Neotropics
Emergence of Alps Mountains (50)
Emergence of Himalayas Mountains (40)
Separation of Africa and Saudi Arabia plate
Breaking the Bering land bridge
Cooling of the North Pacific Formation of Panamamian Isthmus and physical unification between Nearctic and Neotropic GlaciationsCooling and drying the earth (1.5–2.5)
Emergence of Kilimanjaro mountain (750 TYA)
Warming trend of the earth (600–900)
LEISHMANIA sp. Emergence of Protozoa (750) Emergence of eukaryote supergroup Excavata
Appearence of the descendant of Leishmania
Emergence of the first digenetic protozoa, ancestor of other Trypanosoma, not Leishmania Emergence of Trypanasomes (300) Division of Trypanosomatidae following the evolution of Diptera (vector of Leishmania) First digenetic protozoa, a possible ancestor of Leishmania First Leishmania decendent in a reptile host, Evolving of Sauroleishmania from other genera of Leishmania
First fossil of the genus Leishmania (Paleoleishmania proterus) (Burmese amber) (100)
Divergence of Old World and New World Leishmania(90)
Dixenous life cycle of Leishmania (85)
Distribution of Leishmania species after rodents’ emergence during Paleocene (after emergence of primitive mammals) Predecessor of L. donovani group and L. major evolved from South America (36–46)
Complete life cycle of Leishmaia (50)
Leishmania migration from Palearctic to Nearctic or inversly based on the hypotheses of Palearctic or Nearctic origin of Leishmania
Adaptation of Sauroleishmania to the lizards
Paleoleishmania neotropicum (Dominican amber) (20)
Diverging the ancestor of L. donovani from other Leishmania species (14–24)
Dispersion of Leishmania into or out of the Neotropic region throught the Panamamian Isthmus Divergence of L. donovani from L. infantum (1)
Origination of L. chagasi from L. infantum in South America (500)
SANDFLY Emergence of the first Arthropodes (550) Dispensation of the Arthropodes Emergence of Parainsecta (408) Emergence of Insects (360)
First winged insect (300)
Emergence of Diptera (286)
Earliest Psychodids
Emergence of Phlebotominae, common ancestor of the Old and New World sandfliesDifferentiation of the tribes Hertigiini and Phlebotomini Emergence of Psychodids
First record of the presence of the true sandflies (180)
Separation of Old World and New World sandflies (200)
First hematophagus winged insect, ancestor of Phlebotomus, Sergentomyia, Lutzomyia (140)
Phlebotomites longifilis, P. brevifilis, Mesophlebotomites hennigi, and Libanophlebotomus lutfallahi, fossil records from Lebanon amber (120)
Palaeomyia burmitis (Burmese amber) (100)
Emegence of the ancestor of Phlebotomus and Sergentomyia in the Palaearctic region
Emergence of the genus Phlebotomus
Phlebotomiella/Sergentomyia succini (Baltic amber)
Separation of Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus genera P. (Phlebotomiella) tipuliformis (Baltic amber) (20)
Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) paterna
(Mexican amber) (20)
Lutzomyia adiketis (Dominican amber) (20)
Pintomyia falcaorum (Dominican amber) (20)
Phlebotomus pungens (Jordanian amber)
RESERVOIR Emergence of Animalia kingdom (700) Emergence of Reptiles (285) Emergence of Mammals (210) Emergence of Lizards Emergence of Marsupials (Opossums)
Spread of Leishmania into the Neartic by primitive mammals through the Bering Strait
Placental mammals
Primates (60)
Rodents (55)
Xenarthrans (55)
Emergence of the sloths Emergence of Rodents (25)
Emergence of Canides (dogs)
Emergence of Caviomorph rodents (25)
Spread of the Leishmania from Palearctic to the New World, probably by an infected rodent
Sigmodontinae (Cricetids) (20)
Emergence of Human being, genus Homo (3) Homo sapiens (200 TYA)