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. 2016 Mar 3;11(3):e0149341. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149341

Table 1. Origins of the Eurasian and Japanese otters used in this study.

Sample Subspecies Studbook number or voucher Sex Locality Sample type Seq. approach Accession No.
Eurasian otter(Lutra lutra) EO1 unknown #32 Male unknown frozen muscle MPCR + direct sequencing LC049953
EO2 unknown #35 Male unknown, China frozen muscle MPCR + direct sequencing LC049378
EO3 L. l. chinensis #39 Male Sichuan, China frozen muscle MPCR + direct sequencing LC049952
EO4 unknown #52 Female unknown, China frozen muscle Long range PCR + direct sequencing LC049377
EO5 unknown NMNS-CA209 unknown Sakhalin, Russia dried tissue MPCR + direct sequencing LC049954
Japanese otter JO1 unknown YCM-M0001 unknown Kanagawa, Japan dried tissue Illumina LC049955
JO2 unknown NZP-SS-01 Male Kochi, Japan inner part of paw pad Illumina LC050126
JO3 unknown unknown unknown Fukushima, Japan dried tissue Illumina undetermined

The studbook numbers come from the Internal Studbook of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) for the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA). NMNS-CA: National Museum of Nature and Science, Comparative Anatomy collections. YCM-M: Yokosuka City Museum, Mammal. NZP-SS: Noichi Zoological Park, Stuffed Specimen.