Figure 2.
A. Manual recursive partitioning using logistic regression to identify factors associated with MYCN amplification, testing only clinical variables (tree truncated at 5 levels of variables; see Supplemental Figure 2 for full tree). Odds Ratio (OR) listed refers to odds ratio for MYCN amplification for the variable that resulted in each node (e.g. OR 8.4 indicates patients with high LDH had 8.4 fold higher odds of MYCN amplification compared to patients with low LDH).
B. Manual recursive partitioning using logistic regression to identify factors associated with MYCN amplification, testing only pathology/biology variables. Variables tested and not included in the final tree were 17q gain and pooled segmental chromosomal aberrations.
C. Manual recursive partitioning using logistic regression to identify factors associated with MYCN amplification, testing all potential predictor variables. Variables tested and not included in the final tree were: age; ferritin; 17q gain; pooled segmental chromosomal aberrations; and 11q aberration.