Fig. 1. Experimental protocol.
We used 70 adult rats, of which 47 survived the entire study, divided in 7 experimental groups: (1) treadmill animals (n=8), which received active exercise through treadmill locomotion; (2) bike animals (n=5), which received passive exercise through hindlimb bike training; (3) quipazine animals (n=6), which received serotonergic pharmacotherapy; (4) treadmill+quipazine animals (n=9); (5) bike+quipazine animals (n=7); (6) bike+quipazine+treadmill animals (n=8); (7) sham animals (n=4), which were spinally transected and received sham therapies. Each animal group received its therapy (or sham) for 8 weeks after transection. Within one week of the last therapy session (i.e. 9 weeks after the spinal transection), animals were anesthetized to perform an acute, single-neuron mapping study in the deafferented hindlimb cortex to electrophysiologically quantify cortical reorganization,