Table 2.
Author | Year | Species | Type of AF | Tissue | CaMKII | Effect |
Tessier et al.43 | 1999 | Human | Chronic AF | RA | Increased CaMKIIδ expression | CaMKII slowed Ito inactivation; CaMKII inhibition hastened Ito inactivation |
Christ et al.93 | 2004 | Human | Chronic AF | RAA | Increased protein expression of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A and phosphatase activity | Decreased basal ICaL density in chronic AF |
Chelu et al.89 | 2009 | Human | Chronic AF | RAA | Increased CaMKIIδ expression and autophosphorylation | Hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 |
Neef et al.94 | 2010 | Human | Unclassified | RA | Increased CaMKII expression | Increased SR Ca2+-leak and diastolic Ca Increased RyR2 phosphorylation, reversal of SR Ca2+-leak with CaMKII inhibition |
Voigt et al.95 | 2012 | Human | Chronic AF | RAA | Increased autophosphorylation of CaMKII | Hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 Increased SR Ca2+-leak, diastolic Ca2+, frequency of spontaneous Ca2+ release events Reversal of SR Ca2+-leak and afterdepolarizations with CaMKII inhibition |
Purohit et al.66 | 2013 | Human | Mixed (paroxysmal, persistent/permanent, and unclassified) | RA | Increased ox-CaMKII | AF patients had more ox-CaMKII compared with patients in sinus rhythm |
Greiser et al.91 | 2014 | Human | Persistent AF | RA | No change in CaMKII-dependent RyR2 phosphorylation or CaMKII activity | Ca2+ signalling silencing with increased intracellular Ca2+ and no changes in Ca2+ sparks, Ca2+ waves, Ca2+ release, and Ca2+ release instability |
Christ et al.96 | 2014 | Human | Chronic AF | RAA | Reduced CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of PLN but not RyR2 | Blunting of agonist-evoked arrhythmias in atrial myocytes from patients with AF compared with those in sinus rhythm |
Lenski et al.92 | 2015 | Human | Permanent AF | LAA | Increased p-CaMKII/CaMKII | Increased FA uptake Decreased glucose uptake |
Ito, transient outward K+ current; RA, right atrium; RAA, right atrial appendage; LAA, left atrial appendage; FA, fatty acid; ox-CaMKII, oxidized CaMKII; p-CaMKII, phosphorylated CaMKII; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; PLN, phospholamban; RyR2, ryanodine type 2 receptor.