Mate choice in the presence of heterospecifics. Each treatment within cross combinations was repeated three times. Abbreviations: aeg, Ae. aegypti; albo, Ae. albopictus; allo, allopatric; sym, sympatric. Origins: allopatric Ae. aegypti—Key West, sympatric Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus—Vero Beach, allopatric Ae. albopictus—East St. Louis. Error bars denote standard error. (A) Panels describe the results of the cross combination: Ae. aegypti males and females caged with Ae. albopictus females; (A1) showing the percentage of conspecific females inseminated, (A2) showing the percentage of heterospecific females inseminated. (B) Panels describe equivalent results for the cross combination: Ae. albopictus males and females caged with Ae. aegypti females. X-axes labels show the origin of conspecifics, while the fill patterns of bars show the origin of heterospecific females (see figure legend). In all panels, significant differences (P < 0.05) among arcsine-transformed proportions within species are denoted by different letters (post hoc means comparisons (Student-t) following ANOVA).