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. 2016 Mar 4;16(1):26. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iev145

Table 2.

Effect of patch size, habitat quality, and isolation on species richness and abundance of red-listed species and functional groups of oak-associated beetles in hollow oaks

Patch size
Habitat quality
Circum. Dead branches Tree form Openness high versus low
high/inter. versus low low/inter. versus high tree/shrub versus open
Species richness
Red-listed species (+)a
All oak species +
Trophic level
Xylophage (+)a +
Xylomycetophage (+)a (−)a
Fungivore +
Predator +
Mixed feeding
Oak association
Oak semi-specialist +
Generalist +
Red-listed individuals +
All oak individuals (+)b + (−)b
Trophic level
Xylophage + + +
Xylomycetophage + + +
Fungivore + (+)a
Predator +
Mixed feeding +
Oak association
Specialist +
Oak semi-specialist +
Generalist + (+)a (-)b

Optimal models of GLMMs were used for species richness and LMMs for log-transformed abundance data. The optimal models were found by backward elimination using the drop1 function in R and AIC as selection criterion. For species, UTM coordinates were used as random effect and entomological region was used as random effect in the LMMs for log-transformed abundance. Only the strongest trend is shown for variables with several levels. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are indicated with a + or − only, whereas the nonsignificant variables (P > 0.05) kept in the optimal models are shown in brackets. For full details, see Supplementary Tables 2 and 3. Explanation: Circum, circumference; Inter., intermediate; a0.1 > P > 0.05; b0.15 > P > 0.1.