Extended Data Figure 8. LIMYB, RPL10 and NIK1 display overlapping expression profiles.
a, pLIMYB∷GUS, pRPL10∷GUS and pNIK1∷GUS are ubiquitously expressed in seedling tissues. GUS reporter gene expression was histochemically monitored in 2-week-old seedling leaves and roots from transgenic lines harbouring a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene expressed from the LIMYB, RPL10 and NIK1 promoters. The figure shows representative GUS staining images of three seedlings per genotype. All three genes were ubiquitously expressed in all seedling tissues. b, Expression analysis of LIMYB in various plant organs. LIMYB expression was monitored by qRT–PCR of RNA prepared from leaves, roots, stems or flowers of Col-0 plants. Gene expression was calculated using the 2−ΔCt method, and actin was used as an endogenous control. Error bars, 95% confidence intervals (n = 3) based on bootstrap resampling replicates of three independent experiments. LIMYB was also expressed in the leaves, roots, stems and flowers, indicating that LIMYB, RPL10 and NIK1 are co-expressed in several organs.